vitor 9968
i wanted to file a complaint for the unjust banning of a sherdog member by boxing mod tam tam in this thread
the member gave his opinion with well thought out facts to support his opinion on a topic with mild fighter bashing,bashing that the rules cleary state is cause for double yellows.
while i do not agree with the members opinion or mild fighter bashing,it was not cause for the banning of a member with over three thousand posts giving a logical, well thought out opinion on a subject.
several sherdog members also agreed in the thread that this ban was unjustified and i ask this matter be investigated .
the member gave his opinion with well thought out facts to support his opinion on a topic with mild fighter bashing,bashing that the rules cleary state is cause for double yellows.
while i do not agree with the members opinion or mild fighter bashing,it was not cause for the banning of a member with over three thousand posts giving a logical, well thought out opinion on a subject.
several sherdog members also agreed in the thread that this ban was unjustified and i ask this matter be investigated .