UFN 94 pbp/discussion

morales lookin dangerous early, fast hands
Perez all about the counter, but doesn't have one for leg kicks. Yeesh. 1-0 Morales via leg kicks
Took fight ends in KO @3.5.
10-9 morales, he's too fast

perez being smart not to engage.. (goddamnit, bad for my unders)
morales with that power r1

Morales R1. He clearly landed way more strikes, and he was the aggressor. Perez backed up the entire time and stopped throwing leg kicks around the 2:00 mark cuz Morales started to land his own.
Love Javier, great advice. Lol @ Perez thinking he won that round til Javier told him otherwise
The frustration is strong with this one. Just getting leg kicked to death.....
Wtf Perez just giving the fight away. Started good in r2 then did nothing for 3 min.
thank god I have a blunt ready after this fight. Perez eating wayyyyyyy too many leg kicks, so annoying. Either 10-10 or another round for Morales
That female 115 pounder probably can't walk during training

think perez needs a finish r3