UFN 105 - Lewis vs Browne - Halifax

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^^ i was thinking about the decision line also but what steered me off of it is the fact that we don't really know how BB's chin is. I mean, the most sig strikes hes absorbed in UFC fights is 23 against Shawn Jordan, which he lost by TKO. And how many guys has he fought that have legit power? Seems like most of his UFC opponents have been mainly grapplers
^^ i was thinking about the decision line also but what steered me off of it is the fact that we don't really know how BB's chin is. I mean, the most sig strikes hes absorbed in UFC fights is 23 against Shawn Jordan, which he lost by TKO. And how many guys has he fought that have legit power? Seems like most of his UFC opponents have been mainly grapplers

Also have to factor in its HW and 25 minutes is a damn long time for guys in this division to not find each other's chin with something big. Odds reflect it and I get that but I'm liking Browne KO I think as my favorite bet here.
Feels BB understands his path's to victory, either a big ko punch or get on top and donkey kong time again.

Its a good test for BB, not sure he is quite top of the division just yet no doubt happa will try to remind him of that.

Am glad we got 2 giant hws, hopefully the fight finishes in 5 minutes cos watching it on monday morning @ 4am sucks big time.
Also have to factor in its HW and 25 minutes is a damn long time for guys in this division to not find each other's chin with something big. Odds reflect it and I get that but I'm liking Browne KO I think as my favorite bet here.
We have the same opinion. I just threw money on the rd 3-5 props instead though
Thought Ponz would be a great parlay material but Taleb aint bum imo. Firas might turn him into a panic wrestler as they know ponz is much better striker anyway. If I remember correctly Cummings tried to wrestle Ponz but Ponz stuffed all TD's and Cummings has great takedowns. Hmm.. prolly not putting ponz into my parlays as he is too juiced for my taste.. thoughts?
Thought Ponz would be a great parlay material but Taleb aint bum imo. Firas might turn him into a panic wrestler as they know ponz is much better striker anyway. If I remember correctly Cummings tried to wrestle Ponz but Ponz stuffed all TD's and Cummings has great takedowns. Hmm.. prolly not putting ponz into my parlays as he is too juiced for my taste.. thoughts?

Need to watch tape first but i think ponz's power is too much. Think takeb did his camp in thailand
Damn money coming in on wife beater.. must make my bets hurry
note: this card is on a sunday (for some reason)
Which event was announced first: Bellator 172 or UFN 105? Maybe UFC didn't want to go against Fedor vs Mitrione as they know much more people would tune in for that... first time ever I see UFC scared.. usually Bellator must do their events on Friday
lewis-browne goes 5 rds +450...

yea, i'm gonna stab here

and i officially pulled the trigger on marshman +140. dude is tough as nails. i know he had some ko losses early in his career. he seems to have figured things out, tho.
Which event was announced first: Bellator 172 or UFN 105? Maybe UFC didn't want to go against Fedor vs Mitrione as they know much more people would tune in for that... first time ever I see UFC scared.. usually Bellator must do their events on Friday

It's because Monday is a holiday for Murricans. The January 15th event (Sunday) was due to MLK day being on Monday as well.
lewis-browne goes 5 rds +450...

yea, i'm gonna stab here

and i officially pulled the trigger on marshman +140. dude is tough as nails. i know he had some ko losses early in his career. he seems to have figured things out, tho.

He was knocked out by a german ww and ion pascu also knocked him out who is a 5'9 mw who i have no idea why he fights at mw. Thiago is a huge mw
Flat-footed Hector Lombard makes Johny Hendricks look like TJ Dillashaw. Hector will have about a 2 minute window to knock out Hendricks before he starts standing like a statue with parrying as his only defense. ZERO footwork and ZERO head movement is Lombard's MO. Not to mention his abysmally low offensive output.
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Thought Ponz would be a great parlay material but Taleb aint bum imo. Firas might turn him into a panic wrestler as they know ponz is much better striker anyway. If I remember correctly Cummings tried to wrestle Ponz but Ponz stuffed all TD's and Cummings has great takedowns. Hmm.. prolly not putting ponz into my parlays as he is too juiced for my taste.. thoughts?

yeah i also wanted to play ponz but was hoping for -200 or so, i think he's too juiced now. i still might throw a few hundred on him + barboza but i don't really want to tie my money up for too long.
I wrote this before last event: I know GDR won but this fight could have gone either way.. so i was kinda correct on that one too.
Please people stop wasting ur money on Randy, Cannonball and GDR. Seriously if one of them even wins ill eat my hat. What should I do to make people listen me? I have a documented winning record. They call me the face of the betting industry for a reason.. I know these things. And stop laying cum on both sides. Pick a side and stop this hedging shit. Bet straight like a boss and u will be successful. I will clean the house again this weekend


-People please stop wasting ur money on black beast, elias and lombard. BB/Browne will look like Schaub beatdown or even worse. BB has non existent TD defense and Travis has better cardio.. everything Travis does better. BB is overhyped and a can crusher. I dont care that he still is with Edmond. There is just a maintained level where you don't fall lower (except if you don't train)
-Lombard won't win this also. 2 minute cardio, low output .. 40 yrs old. No just no. I have a strong Hendricks feeling
-This is a bad matchup for Elias. Cezar is better everywhere. Elias is the MW van zant... will get exposed once again.
I haven't bet Lombard vs. Hendricks at all, but I wouldn't be shocked at all to see Hendricks come in as a fat fuck struggling to make 185 lbs or have the opposite happen where he is undersized. Counting on him to settle in at a MW with a normal cut on his first try would be the biggest jump in logic as he hasn't figured out his weight + cut for a long time now.

Exactly my point.

Don't worry, your sig/AV will surely have Pig Rigg in it ;) do you have a preference to whether we do AV or sig?

Lol let me think about av

Im on the opposite side completely Goodfella, Hendricks as as flakey as it gets, and I always condemn playing him, but Lombard practically has a punchers chance

He doesnt set shit up, he stands with his hand out and waits for a shot, Hendricks has fought plenty of bombers and he avoids eating them straight, he has fought way better strikers and shouldnt have a massive problem with off the juice Lombard

And Santos has shit hands, if Marhsmellow can put his elbow down and walk through some of those kicks, he can put his hands on Santos who also happens to be a flake, and then who knows what happens

I'm not convinced with Hector Lombard striking either, and I'm not going to play his juiced up wine, but if he gets close to -120 I will make the bet..I just have no faith whatsoever min Hendricks at this point and placing a bet and hoping that he is going to be a fresh version of himself is basically like guessing how many jellybeans is in a jar without counting them . I have no reason to believe that Hendricks will be anything other than what he has been lately. Until I actually see him perform well middleweight but I will reserve judgment. I wish everyone getting money on him the best of luck, but it just simply isn't for me.
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