This is what i found.Epic man!
Where is it From?
No way i let anyone crack my neck like that ever.
cannot tell if this is a compliment or a put downStar? More like a fucking asteroid on crash course.
I know people that have said the same thing but I just couldn't do it. I guess if I really needed it, that would be different but I cringe when I hear or see it.It feels fantastic. Got a free quick crack by chiropractor for splicing some fiber for him. Wouldn't pay to do it often but something had to be off to readjust that loud
shocking picture , needs to be slower with reverse start enabled for complete experience
I know people that have said the same thing but I just couldn't do it. I guess if I really needed it, that would be different but I cringe when I hear or see it.
I like to get my neck cracked, but I don’t fuck around...