UFC, make Gustaffson vs Rockhold next!

I don't even like Luke but dude cmon. He don't need to fight ANYONE any time soon lol. And wow classy Gus calling put a smaller guy who just got ktfo'd. Maybe he can ask for like 3-4 FWs with wiffle bats as long as he's picking on the easiest prey lol

Luke is small? Are you kidding me? I guess gus is small too right? Face it both of these guys are one of the biggest guys for their divisions. Luke is 6-3 and could easily fight at LHW. All he needs to do is man up and fight at his rightful division. You know the division Machida, bisping and many more MW's now used to fight at. You know Machida and bisping who are smaller than Luke.
Gus is a fun fighter to watch but he doesnt fight enough and id give Luke a better chance to win this fight then most on this forum.

Gus for sure would be the fav but id still i think you guys dont take into account just how much Luke cuts and the negative effects it may have caused.
Only people that have an unhealthy amount of hate towards Rockhold, would want this kind of mismatch.
All that entitlement in the cage at once? I don't think I could bare to watch.
Where is all this coming from? Do people hate Rockhold this much? This is a horrible mismatch and shouldn't happen.
i dont wanna see this fight

if gus wants to come back let him beat up osp or shogun or corey anderson or some shit.

if DC is really leaving 205 they should aim for Gus Vs _____ for the 205 belt. volkan would be an awesome fight but he has to bounce back with a W over someone solid at least.

id be booking gus vs osp for mid this year so the end of the year they can book something depending on what happens with dc vs stipe
Gus is probably his worst matchup next to DC at LHW. Rockhold vs Jon Jones is actually an interesting match though.
Gus better asking for a title shot and call DC paper champ after beating a MW guy who just get KTFO a another MW guy
I like it.After that Luke can be Rumbles return fight.
This what happens when you listen to Joe Rogan and brendan show to much. Don't believe everything that comes out their mouths. Luke would do worse at 205. Glass jaw is a glass jaw it don't go away because you went to higher weight class.
Gus needs to fight Now he's turned into twitter warrior instead of a ufc fighter. Luke's out for months after that beating and probably like 3/4 to a year for his salty ego to heal. By the time this would happen Gus could be fighting DC anyways.
These petitions lately I seen are dumnb. They wont do anything. However that being said, THAT is a fight I would LOVE to see!
I disagree MMA is a small world and I bet half the fighters and managment all go on sherdog

Full disclosure, I’m actually Kenny Florian.
Luke is 6' 4" and is moving up to LHW so how is he smaller? Luke asked for this challenge when he made disrespectful remarks about the LHWs stating that things would be easier for him if he moved up. Alex said he wants to show Luke how easy things can be. Alex will beat his ass again. Luke will NEVER learn always running his mouth and always ends up eating his words...Vitor, Bisping, Romero - Luke talked shit about all of them and now look where he is at. He is losing all credibility!

Luke said he's moving up to lhw? And ya that's my point exactly he can't take a punch at mW calling him out at lhw after a ko is weak. Didn't know he zsaid he was moving up to lhw so that's a diff story. Luke still gettimn KO'd tho. His reach was his biggest asset, won't have that at lhw lol
Luke is small? Are you kidding me? I guess gus is small too right? Face it both of these guys are one of the biggest guys for their divisions. Luke is 6-3 and could easily fight at LHW. All he needs to do is man up and fight at his rightful division. You know the division Machida, bisping and many more MW's now used to fight at. You know Machida and bisping who are smaller than Luke.

Could Gus Jones or cormier make MW? no? Rockhold does. He's smaller lol. He's tall as fuck and can put on the bulk to fight at lhw but he can't even take a shot at MW. how is fighting guys the same height and reach gonna help? Most of the top lhws either have, or could fight at HW. Cormier, Jones, rumble ect. Luke has to put on weight to figght guys who have to cut to make 205, there's a size difference lol. There's a reason all those fighters you listed went down to mW.

Also calling out a guy who just got splattered is p weak by Gus. Luke has even less chance at lhw