UFC Fight Night 110: Derrick Lewis vs. Mark Hunt PBP (Discussion)

Derrick Lewis' stock is artificially high. You should sell right now. It's never going to get higher.
I got Lewis but I'm bumping to Hunt's walkout, not a good sign....
Meh, hard to call but I think hunto is the more technical fighter. Cracked chin(for hunto standards) but I think he takes it.
i like both guys but would like to see hunt win in his home country

helps that black beast doesnt seem to care that much and just wants to get paid lol
I wonder if Goldie gets paid every time the UFC uses his "It's all over"

Nah, he isnt.
That was only three months ago. Poor Hunt. He's been fighting for 20 years. I can't imagine the brain damage he has.

Listen to him talk/read his posts online.
It makes it reeeeeeeally easy to tell how brain damaged he is.
It's always hilarious when the favorite is the underdog. I don't understand how this happens, but whatever.
Is this where we're supposed to say "Hunto is looking ripped"?
War Black Beast, hope he wins.

Eeek losing to meathead is grounds for Seppuku.
After his hate of the UFC yet still fights for them. I can't get over the fact that I feel like Mark is a sellout
My gut says it's competitive on the feet until Lewis takes it to the floor and delivers hellacious gnp to a sudden stoppage.