Media UFC 230 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 3

About to watch this, just watched episode 2 and Lewis going to cryo was hilarious after that hot ball thing lol.
Jacare is taller with a longer reach than DC.


Cormier is one seriously tough, athletic short / average dude.

They list him as 5'11', but he's nowhere NEAR that tall.

he is like 5.9 - 5.10. 176-177 cm to be precise but he can look 5 feet 9 cause he has such a terrible posture. I don't know but there is something about that height. 176-180 cm seems to be a height that allows fighters to compete at any weight. Any lower and you get killed.

DC may not be tall but he is thick as he'll and he has a huge skeletal/bone structure. His bone density, thickness of his muscles, huge head, huge fists, wrists and feet allow him to compete at HW just like hunt. He is just a huge guy. Some people are just built differently. DC is built like your average Samoan haha. Many are average height ish but they just have a huge bone and skeletal structure.