UFC 225 Face-offs Carla Esparza wins this round


White Belt
Jan 10, 2017
Reaction score
Not sure she's going to win, but Carla won the face-off imo She looked amazing, always had a thing for her. carla2252.jpg carla2251.jpg carla225.jpg
Christ. Dude, I have almost no standards. Like literally almost none whatsoever. But jeez...
I could take parts from both, ummm girls, and come up with an internet 4 if I fashion a quick muzzle.
No offense, but she looks pretty masculine. On top of that, her hairline raises many serious questions.
I don't mind girls having a masculine figure myself, and Carla is, in some ways, kinda cute. But godddamn, OP, none of those ways is in physical attraction.
she looks like my 55 year old aunt in the facial zone
a lot of puzzled guys in this thread, amma hit you up with some analysis

TS is attracted to carla because she looks attainable
a lot of puzzled guys in this thread, amma hit you up with some analysis

TS is attracted to carla because she looks attainable
She did once say in an interview with MMA roasted that she was a "team player" with regards to anal.

Maybe that's got something to do with it lol
Not TRYING to be racist, but she looks like a 43 year old mother of 9 who works at a taco truck.
i guess that after i drink a couple of beers ......she will look awesome.
She absolutely know she has a horrifying face, so she desperately tries to do whatever she can to take attention away from it.
Lost respect for her buying a $1000 ice cream or some stupid shot like dat after she won TUF, dumb as blowing $1,000,000 lotto winning on a Lamborghini.

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