I've always believed the best view comes from watching tv.
I've always believed the best view comes from watching tv.
I’ve sat in the 4th row in the fighters section and 4 rows from the top at mgm. The energy level and excitement from the crowd, and meet n greets with fighters are rad. But if you’re trying save money, stay homeYeah.. I think I always end up staring at one of the gigantic screens somewhere in the arena. Tougher to see through the cage more than people would think.
Not to mention all the people constantly moving around the cage.Yeah.. I think I always end up staring at one of the gigantic screens somewhere in the arena. Tougher to see through the cage more than people would think.
Not to mention all the people constantly moving around the cage.
Now I get it...That seems way cheaper than I remember the tickets for the last fight night in Charlotte being..