Ufc 200 replacement fight


Black Belt
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
I almost titled it "main event" but that now belongs to Brock/Hunt.

Hopefully we'll get some news on the Cormier fight and who the replacement will be. I cant fathom them taking Cormier and this title fight off the card all together. Its ufc 200..,something needs to be fixed.

What a clusterfuck this whole year has been. If anyone finds any news post here so I dont have to dig through all the horseshit posts.
i can see them keeping him on the card, but no way is it a title fight
It's not gonna be a title fight. My money is it will be against Latifi at catchweight.
Alexander Gustafson said he's in .
I want Bisping to fight, moose and Texeria said sign me up too. I mean really it would make sense to see Roman Reigns fight and Brock jumps the cage and hits DC with a chair and Roman runs off with LHW UFC gold. Hahah
I think they'll likely save the announcement of DC's new opponent for later on tonight during the Fight Night broadcast.