Possession: death by firing squad in the public squareA life sentence? For rear ending a prego woman?
Damn. I hate to see what your sentences are like for weed.
Daniel Cormier will not win.
He needs to win.
Jones has gotten the punishment that he deserves.
People boo Cormier because he's kinda whiney, and he comes of as beta in his exchanges with John.
People booing Cormier is retarded.
Jones will win.
Daniel Cormier will not win.
He needs to win.
Jones has gotten the punishment that he deserves.
People boo Cormier because he's kinda whiney, and he comes of as beta in his exchanges with John.
People booing Cormier is retarded.
Jones will win.
Daniel Cormier will not win.
He needs to win.
Jones has gotten the punishment that he deserves.
People boo Cormier because he's kinda whiney, and he comes of as beta in his exchanges with John.
People booing Cormier is retarded.
Jones will win.