U.F.O./U.A.P. Megathread v2.0

im about ready to tell yall to take your demons and stuff out back like old yella..

this thread was fun, yall killed it.

imo you really might want to keep an open mind to all these possibilities...

Why are some of us ITT are making correlations between UFO/UAP/Aliens and religion, and the Occult? Because there's so much historical similarity between the two phenomenon's and what experiencers have shared. Take freemasonry, did you know that many of your Presidents, members of Congress, Captains of business, and industry and high ranking military officials are a part of a group called the Freemasons? These same people (not all) are trying to tell us over the past 24 months that their is a presence in our skies and around our military bases, and ships that may not be of this earth? hmmm. At the highest level of free masonry they believe that the "god" of this world is a being they've deemed "the light bringer" or "Prometheus" or in Latin wait for it......Lucifer...I'm not just pulling this out of my ass.

Many of These High level Government, military, and captains of business and industry are masons. As far as I've been able to glean through years of research on Free masonry is that in the ancient past their "god" brought humans "knowledge" by opening our ancestors third eye

Which then allowed our ancestors to choose between good and evil.. which is associated with the age old philosophy of balance. i.e. negative charge balanced by positive charged, light v dark, yin & yang, proton v electron, masculine & feminine...and on and on. Yahweh created Adam & Eve without the knowledge of Good...or evil. Our friendly "knowledge bringer" deceived them and now as their descendants we can choose between good and evil thing is evil requires no self discipline or self control which makes it the easier choice.

"do as thou wilt"

"do you"

"if it feels good do it"

Self indulgent and selfishness is the norm because imo it's easier to be selfish or undisciplined than serving another and having the rare ability to consistently say no to oneself for the greater good.

The freemasons "light bringer" wants a world with no laws, everybody doing whatever the hell they want, sex, drugs, rock roll, opiod, porn addicted undisciplined fat so Satan can say to God..."look at what i did to your children" "and they chose it" what's the greatest way to hurt someone or something? attack their children.

Now i don't want to come off as some pious saint. During our teenage years and 20's we were all varying degrees of non conformist, and rebellious s. But now that we're older do we really want to live in a city, town, country where there's no laws? Would we really want our daughter getting half naked in a rap video, stripping, or doing porn? Just everybody doing whatever comes to mind? TBH you really wouldn't even need a lot of crazy mofos running around to ruin society. "I want your wife...so i kill you and take her" " I want your belongings that you've toiled for...i kill you and take it" I want to drive 150mph and kill people on the roads... so be it. "it's all about me! And what i want to do!!

IMO that's the state the "light bringer" wants humanity in.

All of this is my opinion. However if you look at human history i think it's about right. And how do i relate this to Aliens? Well either our benevolent "space brothers" are terrible at piloting super high technology interstellar craft in earth's atmosphere and we've been retrieving all this alien tech from crashes? Or the technology is being given to us by "aliens" so that we can make weapons to destroy ourselves or make weapons so advanced they're going to actually try and fight Jesus with this advanced weapons technology one day.

And let's say for sake of conversation that i'm 100% right. When the "aliens" arrive then the freemasons, and other lucifarian secret societies...aren't obviously going to say we know these things are fallen angels and the commander of that ship is Satan incarnate. They're going to say these guys are our friends. They're here to help us from that bad alien Jesus that's causing all this bad weather, and volcanos, and earthquakes, and diseases, and wants to take away or freedom!

I know... i know all wild speculation TBH i don't have a lot of "proof" just what resonates with me as truth...

Accept Jesus...get saved sherbros

this interview addresses all of what you wrote man if you want to have a deeper understanding.

he talks about employing professionals to get a take on the prospective persons possession. the catholic church employs psychiatric evaluations and physical examinations often by the persons attending physicians and extensive interviews to determining some other cause.

after ruling natural causes out there are some criteria that also must be present.

possessed people can

speak languages they have never learned
have unnatural strength
posses heightened knowledge about the priest or other things that they cannot know
have a strong aversion to holy objects
he even uses tricks like using fake holy water to see if the person is putting on a ruse.

things that can open one up to demonic influence.

ties to the occult
interest or involvement in the paranormal
seeing psychics and mediums
practicing magic-- the real kind not illusion
communication with the dead
entertainment industry when its focus is on evil
being cursed
being dedicated to evil by a parent


a rather mundane "entry" for the uninitiated in this subject is playing with a Ouija Board. It's not a harmless board game.

don't let your children have this thing in the house or play with it.
gnostics believe archons are some type of evil beings who keep us trapped on earth in a soul trap/resurrection cycle. demonic entity feeding on negative energy. look up the saturn time cube theory

thanks friend. just knowing it is a gnostic belief helps a lot as i am generally aware of their take on life and spirituality.

not a fan btw but that's neither here nor there for this discussion.
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i dont think this guys story has gotten enough attention ITT


thoughts? B.S. or not? TBH I'm still undecided
i dont think this guys story has gotten enough attention ITT

View attachment 877379

thoughts? B.S. or not? TBH I'm still undecided

cant stand youtubes new format. you cannot access the speed of play function of the embedded video and if you click the vid to go to youtube its not the actual site and addblocker doesn't work.

i want to listen to this at 150 times speed but have to physically type in the title in YouTube from a different tab to do so.

pain in the butt.

my take on the video? i dont put my faith in many specific accounts. its just not possible to always know if someone is telling the truth or not. but the sheer bulk of reports is impossible to deny for me.
cant stand youtubes new format. you cannot access the speed of play function of the embedded video and if you click the vid to go to youtube its not the actual site and addblocker doesn't work.

i want to listen to this at 150 times speed but have to physically type in the title in YouTube from a different tab to do so.

pain in the butt.

my take on the video? i dont put my faith in many specific accounts. its just not possible to always know if someone is telling the truth or not. but the sheer bulk of reports is impossible to deny for me.

i dont know but it does seem like DOJ had a major hard on for this guy
What role if any do you guys think COVID plays in relation to the timing of all this UFO talk and media coverage if any?
imo you really might want to keep an open mind to all these possibilities...

Why are some of us ITT are making correlations between UFO/UAP/Aliens and religion, and the Occult? Because there's so much historical similarity between the two phenomenon's and what experiencers have shared. Take freemasonry, did you know that many of your Presidents, members of Congress, Captains of business, and industry and high ranking military officials are a part of a group called the Freemasons? These same people (not all) are trying to tell us over the past 24 months that their is a presence in our skies and around our military bases, and ships that may not be of this earth? hmmm. At the highest level of free masonry they believe that the "god" of this world is a being they've deemed "the light bringer" or "Prometheus" or in Latin wait for it......Lucifer...I'm not just pulling this out of my ass.

Many of These High level Government, military, and captains of business and industry are masons. As far as I've been able to glean through years of research on Free masonry is that in the ancient past their "god" brought humans "knowledge" by opening our ancestors third eye
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Which then allowed our ancestors to choose between good and evil.. which is associated with the age old philosophy of balance. i.e. negative charge balanced by positive charged, light v dark, yin & yang, proton v electron, masculine & feminine...and on and on. Yahweh created Adam & Eve without the knowledge of Good...or evil. Our friendly "knowledge bringer" deceived them and now as their descendants we can choose between good and evil thing is evil requires no self discipline or self control which makes it the easier choice.

"do as thou wilt"
View attachment 877370

"do you"
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"if it feels good do it"

Self indulgent and selfishness is the norm because imo it's easier to be selfish or undisciplined than serving another and having the rare ability to consistently say no to oneself for the greater good.

The freemasons "light bringer" wants a world with no laws, everybody doing whatever the hell they want, sex, drugs, rock roll, opiod, porn addicted undisciplined fat so Satan can say to God..."look at what i did to your children" "and they chose it" what's the greatest way to hurt someone or something? attack their children.

Now i don't want to come off as some pious saint. During our teenage years and 20's we were all varying degrees of non conformist, and rebellious s. But now that we're older do we really want to live in a city, town, country where there's no laws? Would we really want our daughter getting half naked in a rap video, stripping, or doing porn? Just everybody doing whatever comes to mind? TBH you really wouldn't even need a lot of crazy mofos running around to ruin society. "I want your wife...so i kill you and take her" " I want your belongings that you've toiled for...i kill you and take it" I want to drive 150mph and kill people on the roads... so be it. "it's all about me! And what i want to do!!

IMO that's the state the "light bringer" wants humanity in.

All of this is my opinion. However if you look at human history i think it's about right. And how do i relate this to Aliens? Well either our benevolent "space brothers" are terrible at piloting super high technology interstellar craft in earth's atmosphere and we've been retrieving all this alien tech from crashes? Or the technology is being given to us by "aliens" so that we can make weapons to destroy ourselves or make weapons so advanced they're going to actually try and fight Jesus with this advanced weapons technology one day.

And let's say for sake of conversation that i'm 100% right. When the "aliens" arrive then the freemasons, and other lucifarian secret societies...aren't obviously going to say we know these things are fallen angels and the commander of that ship is Satan incarnate. They're going to say these guys are our friends. They're here to help us from that bad alien Jesus that's causing all this bad weather, and volcanos, and earthquakes, and diseases, and wants to take away or freedom!

I know... i know all wild speculation TBH i don't have a lot of "proof" just what resonates with me as truth...

Accept Jesus...get saved sherbros

The basic point that *modesty and self discipline serve you well in the long run* doesn’t need a lot of the little accoutrements you included my friend.

Kindness and patience are also aphrodisiacs in their own way, and unfortunately they cannot remind us of that on Sundays. Not without a really good pastor.

I think part of the decline in religious belief is due to the fact that a lot of “A students” who might have been priests become A students in philosophy majors and struggle through life.

Perhaps what they needed was a congregation and to learn how to lead a meaningful conversation with them. People need weekly reminding of important philosophical points.

The basic point that *modesty and self discipline serve you well in the long run* doesn’t need a lot of the little accoutrements you included my friend.

Kindness and patience are also aphrodisiacs in their own way, and unfortunately they cannot remind us of that on Sundays. Not without a really good pastor.

I think part of the decline in religious belief is due to the fact that a lot of “A students” who might have been priests become A students in philosophy majors and struggle through life.

Perhaps what they needed was a congregation and to learn how to lead a meaningful conversation with them. People need weekly reminding of important philosophical points.


I only added those because tbh bro...I've found it very hard to make a coherent, easily followable line of thought when trying to tie together, or reconcile how aliens and the UFO/UAP topic are so closely tied (imo) with all world religions for my own summative hypothesis on the matter/matters.

After years of UFO, Ancient Alien, Biblical, Quran, secular history, bahgivad vitas, archaeology, Cosmology, NASA, Occult, and ancient myths and fables research...i still cant really tie it all together in a relatively seamless timeline of events from what went down in the Garden of Eden to present day. And then to speculate on what our present and very near future holds for all 7 billion of us.(imo nothing good)

As far as my take on how lack of Human individual self discipline which when added to most humans being undisciplined as a whole. I believe giving practical examples (maybe i was a lil too wordy lol) of how most humans have little to no self control/discipline has affected the way the enemy (who's imho Satan) can manipulate us. And how this may irritate or "Grieve" our creator (Yahweh) with our constant disobedience, and lack of self governance.

I mean as a father myself i get pissed at my kids if i have to tell them the same damn thing a million times...I've noticed esp with my sons it's only after i start whipping ass and acting cray do i get my point across and bad behavioral issues finally stop. No matter how Dr.Spock parenting tips, superNannyish, and "let's sit down and talk about why you did what you did" me and the misses try to be..... it's not till i break the belt out and start whipping ass does it finally cease.

Jesus said God is the Father...so if none of his kids follow in his ways and we are always consciously choosing "sin" aka do what thou wilt and not because we...necessarily want to. But imo often times because it's so much easier than exhibiting self discipline well.... I can see how that might start to piss him( God) off esp when Satan is apparently in the presence of God Constantly accusing us of being undisciplined, sin bag goats instead of sheep.

Revelation 12:10 And I heard a loud voice saying in Heaven, “Now have come salvation and strength, and the Kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ; for the accuser (Satan) of our brethren is cast down, who accused them before our God day and night.

And i guess the way i've tried to bring this UFO thing together with my Christianity is to maybe look at this whole thing as one giant galactic family feud With Yahweh (dad) wanting us to control ourselves and do what he says without making us into non sentient robots. And Satan our perverted, psychopath, of an Uncle that wants to kill and molest us and if he cant kills us (he's not allowed to just off humans)he can tempt us to do an act that will have consequences that will make our lives miserable kind of by our own doing...though that evil fucker is always tempting is all the time.

And what he's tempting us with is something we want alcohol, drugs, sex, more food, greed, porn and on and on basically something that looks good, tastes good, feels good, but not good for us... depending if we use it with in the parameters that God allows...but then that would mean we'd need to have self discipline and self control which we have... but not a whole lot of us use...the whole thing is headache inducing.

All because the way i understand it God wanted the Angels who are above mankind in the order of creation to "serve" mankind (think Jesus washing the disciples feet) 1/3 led by Satan imo said "no" let's overthrow God, and make our own rules..not to unlike revolutions, and Coup d'etats on earth for centuries. Then the way i understand Daniel, and the Book of Revelation is The 1/3 will go to The heavens where God the father is and try to overthrow him again however Archangel Michael and his Army wit defeat them according to revelation.

War in Heaven - Wikipedia
War in Heaven

The Fall of the Rebel Angels, by Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Decisive loyal angels victory
Lucifer and his fallen angels hurled down to Earth

The Fall of the Rebel Angels; right hand panel of Hieronymus Bosch's The Haywain Triptych, c. 1500
In the New Testament of the Christian Bible, the Book of Revelation describes a war in heaven between angels led by the Archangel Michael against those led by "the dragon", identified as the devil or Satan, who will be defeated and thrown down to the earth.[1][2] Revelation's war in heaven is related to the idea of fallen angels, and possible parallels have been proposed in the Hebrew Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
— Revelation 12:7–10 (NIV)

Is that "War in the heavens" going to be the classical depiction of angels with giant doves wings on their backs fighting fallen angels, or Demons depicted as Humanoid looking things with horns and bat like wings? Both parties battling in the sky with swords and shields braveheart style?...Or is that war being fought with weapons and technology UFO/UAP so advanced that we cant really comprehend it or it totally goes against our known laws of physics and maybe John the Revelator was just trying to describe what he was being shown on Patmos in the verbiage of the day?

who knows i'm just thinking out loud.

accept Jesus Get saved sherbros.
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What role if any do you guys think COVID plays in relation to the timing of all this UFO talk and media coverage if any?

Hard to say but for the people i know it has been profoundly helpful and beneficial. Much more time to go inward with prayer and just the general slowing down of everything and people in general has created quite a calm atmosphere.

I would guess that if anything people are much more centered and quiet and less likely to be hysterical or confused.

For the people i know its been a net positive.

The only caveat is that I do know some people who have died from covid and whose family members have died and that has been, you know, deeply troubling and sad for those people and for those of us who love them.

But for all the people I know who are spiritually inclined it has been a period of spiritual growth and improvement.

So I think people have been able to take the UFO revelations in stride and be patient and not jump to conclusions that is what I am seeing at least.

A calm detached watchfulness is how I would describe the people I know in relation to the UFO phenomenon and the general chaos that is going on in this planet right now.
Yea man, that is a real problem for anyone aware of how the inner cogs of government actually work. The C.I.A. has been involved in this since the beginning and you can't trust shit about them. The C.I.A.'s hobby is fomenting unrest in foreign nations. If you notice, which I think I touched on in the first thread, the C.I.A. came out in various ways when the Pentagon videos first were leaked to say things like it wasn't our tech and this was a real thing happening. James Woolsey did and I believe another as well but I can't remember his name right now. This is the same C.I.A. that supposedly put together the original MJ12. So yea, how is it that a former member of Blink-182 all of a sudden is just a government insider. Very few people even ask the right questions when it comes to this stuff.

How does this Tom DeLonge, flashing devil horns

Become this guy.

I think you would have to assume that he is working directly for the C.I.A. otherwise nobody within the government would help him for shit. I mean believe me, there are conspiracy sites that believe Delonge's entire game here is part of a deep state operation. Here is one such example if you want to look, they mention Greer as well. https://exonews.org/is-tom-delonges-to-the-stars-academy-a-deep-state-operation/
He's always been that way:

Hard to say but for the people i know it has been profoundly helpful and beneficial. Much more time to go inward with prayer and just the general slowing down of everything and people in general has created quite a calm atmosphere.

I would guess that if anything people are much more centered and quiet and less likely to be hysterical or confused.

For the people i know its been a net positive.

The only caveat is that I do know some people who have died from covid and whose family members have died and that has been, you know, deeply troubling and sad for those people and for those of us who love them.

But for all the people I know who are spiritually inclined it has been a period of spiritual growth and improvement.

So I think people have been able to take the UFO revelations in stride and be patient and not jump to conclusions that is what I am seeing at least.

A calm detached watchfulness is how I would describe the people I know in relation to the UFO phenomenon and the general chaos that is going on in this planet right now.

I think the timing is odd lets say this is a "soft" attack by the Chinese and it was leaked on purpose then with 600,000 us citizens dead...where's the response? if it's not then will aliens arrive right when the virus mutates into something our immune system cant handle or was the vaccine really some type of trojan horse and the aliens arrive with a cure?
I think the timing is odd lets say this is a "soft" attack by the Chinese and it was leaked on purpose then with 600,000 us citizens dead...where's the response? if it's not then will aliens arrive right when the virus mutates into something our immune system cant handle or was the vaccine really some type of trojan horse and the aliens arrive with a cure?

I need evidence before I make leaps like that friend. Most likely it was an accidental lab leak.

I could literally make up a 1000 other conspiracy scenarios equally without evidence.

But like I said spiritually the Holy Spirit has made very good use of it and most people I know have benefited from it.
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cliffs of this excellent video. i really hope anyone interested with watch this. bob gymlan is one of the best channels on youtube imo.

a ufo was seen by a ton of people sparking the strangest paranormal spree of all time. this story is incredible. im cliffing it but there is so much that the cliffs don't do it justice.

--Pennsylvania 1970's bigfoot/ufo sighting.
--object soars over 6 states and lands in the forest.
--acorn ship is witnessed
--identified and unidentified gov agents in the dozens were on site for weeks.
--a woman's mobile home was lifted off the ground on one corner and moved.
--flat bed trucks arrive empty and leave full covered with canvas
--sightings of gov agents are witnessed for years afterwards in the area.
--bigfoot is witnessed holding a glowing white orb.
--a man and his boy see two bigfoot and an orange glow in the air-- the same glow people who saw the acorn ship saw at the same time and place but the witnesses are unconnected. after that he begins to have apocalyptic dreams about the destruction of the planet.
--a strange man in a black suit is witnessed acting very strange and disturbing. he was taking pictures of the bigfoot imprints left by whatever moved the woman's trailer home. he displays a list of bizarre actions that make no sense.
--other things like this are also reported.

this strange spree is a laundry list of the kind of high strangeness displayed by the ufo phenomenon. bizarre events and actions that ultimately make no sense. it is this kind of reporting that makes me believe we are NOT dealing with concrete beings but something other.

even if a person is a firm atheist when it comes to this kind of thing the video will still prove to be extremely interesting as it does not make claims about what it is but just describes a very bizarre happening and that strangeness is still interesting even if you think these people are experiencing mass hysteria.

@MusterX @spacegnome

this week I’d like to speculate on what role A.I artificial Intelligence, and Quantum Computing will play in regards to the UAP topic if any?

I don’t know too much about quantum computing other than it is not based on 1’s and 0’s classical computing

as far as A.I. I have some strong takes on that and I wouldn’t be surprised if aliens used some kind of sentient drone or high tech Golem to pilot these crafts tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if the generally considered malevolent “Grays” were A.I. Drones controlled by the prince of the power of the air

I popped out of this thread for a few weeks. I have a lot of catching up to do


1. “Aliens” are coming

2. Sooner than we think

3. “Aliens” are not what we’ve been conditioned to believe I.E. little green guys from alpha Centauri…IMO

4.Space Force was created to combat threats from outer space..while I believe Space Force is just a modern day tower of babble

5.This weeks topic is what role will A.I have in regards to UFO/UAP?

6. Thoughts on why so many UFO’s are seen around, coming in or out of large bodies of water if they’re from outer space and presumably have some kind of cloaking technology?

7. What role If any does paranormal activity like the phenomenons observed at skinwalker ranch have in regards to the Alien discussion?

8. Thoughts on Gary McKinnon and Corey Goode’s “20 and back” space marine tour as well.

And lastly….I have self designated…ummm myself as @MusterX ’s consigliere for this thread going forward.

thanks and you’re welcome lol
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