U.F.O./U.A.P. Megathread v2.0

@MusterX @spacegnome

this week I’d like to speculate on what role A.I artificial Intelligence, and Quantum Computing will play in regards to the UAP topic if any?

I don’t know too much about quantum computing other than it is not based on 1’s and 0’s classical computing

as far as A.I. I have some strong takes on that and I wouldn’t be surprised if aliens used some kind of sentient drone or high tech Golem to pilot these crafts tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if the generally considered malevolent “Grays” were A.I. Drones controlled by the prince of the power of the air


my first thoughts is that ai is a myth. people keep saying we are close but they have been saying that for years and years. here is noam chomsky basically saying that people talking about the looming ai issue are mislead as there is just nothing we have done yet that could actually lead to a computer being able to think.

5:15 is when he addresses it directly.

maybe you were talking about aliens having ai. if so that is a different questoin.

my first thoughts is that ai is a myth. people keep saying we are close but they have been saying that for years and years. here is noam chomsky basically saying that people talking about the looming ai issue are mislead as there is just nothing we have done yet that could actually lead to a computer being able to think.

5:15 is when he addresses it directly.

maybe you were talking about aliens having ai. if so that is a different questoin.

When does sci fiction meet evidence fact?

there was a time when FaceTime and Skype was for the Jetsons

there was a time when being able to kill every one in a city with neutrons and leave the building intact was sci fi war of the worlds stuff

who’s to say a computer gets so advanced that a soul or a spirit can possess it and the engineers would think they have breached the singularity of sentience?

essentially the human body is an extremely advanced peace of bio mechanical self replicating machinery in habited by a soul or spirit or conscious form of energy
When does sci fiction meet evidence fact?

there was a time when FaceTime and Skype was for the Jetsons

there was a time when being able to kill every one in a city with neutrons and leave the building intact was sci fi war of the worlds stuff

who’s to say a computer gets so advanced that a soul or a spirit can possess it and the engineers would think they have breached the singularity of sentience?

essentially the human body is an extremely advanced peace of bio mechanical self replicating machinery in habited by a soul or spirit or conscious form of energy

you asked what role ai would play in this current time. there is no ai yet and many people like chomsky who i happen to agree with don't think its anywhere near coming. we don't even have enough knowledge to ask the right questions about it yet according to many.

unless you are talking about alien ai. who knows what they have.
This is a drawing of a demonic entity aleister Crowley claimed he was communicating with. Looks a little alien to me. I think it would make things even cooler if it really was demonic entities instead of aliens from outer space
my first thoughts is that ai is a myth. people keep saying we are close but they have been saying that for years and years. here is noam chomsky basically saying that people talking about the looming ai issue are mislead as there is just nothing we have done yet that could actually lead to a computer being able to think.

5:15 is when he addresses it directly.

maybe you were talking about aliens having ai. if so that is a different questoin.

I don't know if his comments were before this, but a robot has shown to exhibit conscious behavior.

I don't know if his comments were before this, but a robot has shown to exhibit conscious behavior.


once again you are too stupid to understand the conversation bob. go and learn what true ai is then listen to chomsky in that context. he is not having a discussion at your level-- you know-- the self proclaimed blue collar super smart guy level.

the self awareness test does not pass the muster of ai.
once again you are too stupid to understand the conversation bob. go and learn what true ai is then listen to chomsky in that context. he is not having a discussion at your level-- you know-- the self proclaimed blue collar super smart guy level.

the self awareness test does not pass the muster of ai.
