Twice in one day, or two separate days?


Orange Belt
Dec 17, 2008
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If you had to pick between going to two classes in one day (am/pm), or one class on two separate days, which would you pick? Does anyone believe one way would allow you to retain more than the other? Sorry if this question sounds dumb, but trying to work within work schedule.
Well the gym I go to Offers only 1 MMA Class a day, and then some Strickly BJJ classes. I go to the MMA class every day and then Ill lift weights and work out on my own later on in the day. If your not gonna be doing stuff on your own or anything, then I say go to 2 in a day.
oli geddes and hillary both said that consistency beats intensity.
oli geddes and hillary both said that consistency beats intensity.

thats definitely food for thought. I'm trying to go twice a day on Tues and Thurs long term, but some clients ask to switch their training hour with me here and there hence the dilemna.
so two classes every other day or one class every day? in terms of retention, i'd say the latter would be better because bjj would be a more consistent part of your life and could provide you with a steadier rate for processing and then applying what you learn. in other words, you wouldn't have as long a downtime (at the extreme) between classes for your mind to move away from bjj. i'm sure others have different thoughts on this, but that's just my uninformed take.
so two classes every other day or one class every day? in terms of retention, i'd say the latter would be better because bjj would be a more consistent part of your life and could provide you with a steadier rate for processing and then applying what you learn. in other words, you wouldn't have as long a downtime (at the extreme) between classes for your mind to move away from bjj. i'm sure others have different thoughts on this, but that's just my uninformed take.

in the given scenario, I meant like twice just on Monday versus once one Tues, and once on Thurs.
yeah, that's what i was thinking, but i guess that wasn't very clear from what i said. in that situation, i just think that consistency might be better in terms of keeping you thinking about jiujitsu and keeping the techniques you've learned fresh, as opposed to having a few days off from practice in which to forget about things even though you do a lot on the days you do train.
k sorry, i don't know if i read this properly, so i'll answer it for 2 scenarios.
if your question was (for example); should i train 2 times on monday then not again for the rest of the week, or should i train tuesday and thursday, then take tuesday and thursday option
if your question was, should i train 2 times a day everyday, or 1 long time every day, then take the 2 a day option.
thanks guys, it sucks that work hours get in the way of letting me train more...thats why I asked. I figure every calculated decision counts.

Bora, yea I meant just two classes on one day for whole week. I wish I had time to do twice a
I actually struggle with this.

I have to travel quite a ways to train, and if I can double up it makes my travel time more worth it. Of course, the problem with training twice (I'd do two in a row) would be that I could not really devote nearly the energy and focus to the second round of training.

I'm not sure what it I guess I don't help you at all here.
If you had to pick between going to two classes in one day (am/pm), or one class on two separate days, which would you pick?

Since these are the choices then one a day.

But recommend am/pm tues and am/pm Thurs = 4 classes a week

Note: Classes aren't planned back to back so being tired wont be an issue (enough time to recoup)

and will NOT benefit in knowing the surviving stages or being forced on being technical on second back to back class.

Well, you have to do what works for you in your circumstances. I would prefer one class a day, rather than two in one day and then a day off. But my current schedule (and my school's schedule) doesn't allow me to do that. So I'm doing double classes twice a week because that's all I can do right now, and I'm doing Muay Thai in between just to do it.

Fortunately for me we're now an official Renzo Gracie affiliate so I'll be able to head to the main academy before/after work a couple times a week. But the point is that while daily training is optimal, sometimes you have to take what you can get and double up if it fits your schedule better.
I think it really depends on how bad my body's beat up. Sometimes, I'll roll twice in a day and be fine, others it's a struggle during that second class.
Would much rather have it on two separate days. No reason to go in tired, more consistent schedule, etc. etc.

No reason to have it on the same day, then wait six days to do it again. @_@

Just my opinion, I am not a qualified performance coach or sports scientist, but that just seems logical to me...

Take care,

For me it's the latter.
I think it takes time to take OWNERSHIP of technique after you've been taught it, which means you have to consider it and practice it in a less intense environment. Overloading your brain with too many different ideas over the course of one day could lead to less retention of instruction!!
I'd hafta agree that going fresh daily would be better than trying to ration energy and attention/retention span between two classes a day

rest up, stretch up, rehydrate, meditate on the single classes lessons, and then return the next day in my opinion.

I have a hard enough time retaining all the small details from a single class . . . much less two.

It's better to be able to do a single move seamlessly than several moves half-hazardly
In summer I do two classes a day and sometimes do the pro class. When school is in session I do one jiu jitsu class a day and do pads and shadow boxing cool down with training partner and spar fridays. When busy I pick Jiu jitsu or boxing and only attend one class. If you do two classes in one day the next lift weights or swim.