Television TV or movie inaccuracies that bother you

Holy shit. I’m literally rewatching the X files right now.

Here’s what bothers me. Mulder is always saying to Scully “This doesn’t fit your science,” or whatever, which completely disregards what science is. The writers clearly thought science was a set of facts to which everything must adhere. But really, it’s a methodology of determining what is true and what isn’t. If someone discovers Big Foot, it doesn’t mean “science is wrong,” or that there are things that lay outside the realm of science.

Science would then accept that there is a Big Foot and attempt to explain what exactly that is and how it went so long without being discovered.

STFU nerd. Science is bullshit.
In Good Will Hunting when Robin Williams has to tell Stellan Skarsgaard who Ted Kaczynski is. As if someone in that position wouldn't fucking recognize the name Ted Kaczynski.

Not necessarily an 'inaccuracy' but my eye always twitches a bit at that part.
I happened to see it by now for many, many times. As soon as a movie is showing earth they present it as a round ball. It's mindboggling.
Military uniforms, rank, time in service, ect ect
I like the show, but Reacher is horrible about this. He's a Major and apparently are at least two other members of his team. What unit ever has 2 or 3 members the same rank as the CO? Especially when there are only like 8 total. At one point he's talking to the youngest looking member of his team and says something like "You're a Master Sargent, almost everyone outranks you." What? She would be the oldest, the most experienced, and potentially well-respected person there. Hollywood and the uninformed general public have no respect or understanding of enlisted military hierarchy. You're an officer or a mindless grunt. (to be fair this may be true of MPs)
Crimson Tide, was a pretty silly portrayal of what it's like in the Navy. I remember one of the early scenes where the officer screams in one of the guy's face and orders him to do pushups.
I can only imagine the response some JO would get if he tried that.
Sea story: as an E-6 on my second boat I was a Bluenose in good standing while the CO was a disgusting warm-body. Long story short, I got to yell at him and order him to push-ups in his underwear while he was wearing 5 lbs of literal ice as a necklace. He never ordered me to push-ups......
Indiana Jones and the Temple of doom. When they spot the bats early on, Indy calls them "giant vampire bats".

Vampire bats are not "giant", and he's in the wrong continent.
Sea story: as an E-6 on my second boat I was a Bluenose in good standing while the CO was a disgusting warm-body. Long story short, I got to yell at him and order him to push-ups in his underwear while he was wearing 5 lbs of literal ice as a necklace. He never ordered me to push-ups......
This must've been halfway night or a Bluenose celebration for you to be able to do this to your CO. Did you bid in an auction or something?
in Terminator, why don't their pubes get singed off along with their clothes when they time travel?
In Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, all the vampires whould have died after Abraham Lincoln killed Adam. This is not in line with real life.
fights are just ridiculous in some movies. that straight hand over person chest somehow make a guy make a flip in air while not even running that fast or running at all. then love them shooting scene where main character is running but bullets are somehow always miss him or even more funnier thar every bullet is chassing his feet and sparks are always behinf his feet
I like the show Reacher but they are some of the most egregious fight scenes. If I'm 6'5" and 265lbs and me and a non-sherdogger are fighting over an object and I headbutt him heard enough to send him flying backwards, I would still have the object. He would have let go.
Table food scenes when no one eats or barely eats like who sits the dinner table and doesn't eat or barely tastes they're food.