Turkish citizen database leaked, hackers say: Don't vote Trump


Lawn and Order!
Nov 28, 2010
Reaction score
This leak contains the following information for 49,611,709 Turkish citizens: (IN CLEARTEXT)

  • National Identifier (TC Kimlik No)
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Mother's First Name
  • Father's First Name
  • Gender
  • City of Birth
  • Date of Birth
  • ID Registration City and District
  • Full Address

So data of two thirds of Turkish citizens leaked online. Not putting up a link, but the file is 6.6 GB and looks legit.

Never trust governments to handle your data properly...

Also, the hackers mention Trump.

Lesson to learn for Turkey:
  • Bit shifting isn't encryption.
  • Index your database. We had to fix your sloppy DB work.
  • Putting a hardcoded password on the UI hardly does anything for security.
  • Do something about Erdogan! He is destroying your country beyond recognition.
Lessons for the US? We really shouldn't elect Trump, that guy sounds like he knows even less about running a country than Erdogan does.
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Attaturk, that show'em for trusting big gubment!
This thread is not getting sufficient attention. Only 2 replies in 10 hours.

I will now edit the OP to include the Trump reference the hackers left.
This thread is not getting sufficient attention. Only 2 replies in 10 hours.

I will now edit the OP to include the Trump reference the hackers left.

Hahahaha well played, well played. I think this might not be getting much attention due to the Panama leaks but yeah this is kinda huge considering the amount of info leaked. I'm fairly confident that via illicit means i or you could get hold of a shit load of legit documents from this alone.

With this you could easily create a identity. You have enough info to let's say, register with a Dr, you could register to vote (if the individual has not), if they already vote you can change where they vote, you can get a untold amount of documents that people ask for when trying to get others. You can open a bank account with this stuff. (Incert possibly before each of those)

'In order to get that sir I need two documents as proof of address, a pay slip or bank statement, I also
Need a signature next to your photo from someone in one of the following proffesions.. Doctor, lawyer blah blah blah'

Well here you go sir.

Don't trust the govenment with your info, nor the banks, nor facebook ect and I agree but unfortunately you have to, to a point, unless you want to go totally off the grid and that is a unobtainable notion for most.

What is scary is the banks and there insurance company's are really looking into avoiding liability when it comes to fraud now.
Peoples information is in a a lot of databases, both public and private.

Does it say what system it was hacked from? I'm assuming something government related.

It's pretty generic information, so probably something public facing.