International Turkey's Lonely Road to Isolation: The World Looks on as Erdogan Jockeys for a Third Decade in Power

The Russians don't want him.

Putin already threatened to smash Turkey and retake Constantinople (istanbul) for the Christians. I hope Trump gives him the green light.ğan-doesn-t-stop-supporting-terrorists-in-syria,-i-shall-restore-constantinople-istanbul-to-christendom

The Ottoman empire must be crushed once and for all. Putin is a fucking Crusader.

Lawl you criticize an authoritarian who uses religion to further his dictator status by supporting Putin? how easy it is to play people around.

Fuck Turkey and Russia.
Lawl you criticize an authoritarian who uses religion to further his dictator status by supporting Putin? how easy it is to play people around.

Fuck Turkey and Russia.

No, I'm not so concerned with dictators.

I'm fine with Putin dictating anything he wants to protect the realm and Christendom. Christendom has always had kings, before the communists, Russia had tzars.

Democracy is a steaming pile of bullshit that leads directly to communism via Marxist infiltration. Ideally there should be a Republic but that hasn't worked out in America or anywhere else. It always degenerates into mob rule, then communism.

I no longer care for ideals, only results.
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Then what? You really want to lose influence in a country with their geopolitical importance? Seems like a terrible idea. He'll just look to be part of the Russian bloc then, as he doesn't seem averse to begging for forgiveness and kissing Putin's ring even after he shot down his jet.

Turkey's too important to alienate. Who cares if they want to become more Islamic? I don't have to live there under their crappy laws, it's a domestic issue. As long as we are able to further our geopolitical goals then the alliance should remain; I don't give a damn about what they do amongst themselves.
Your motivation is sticking it to Russia , rather like how some Americans only care about what's good for Israel and to heck with anything else.

Russia isn't a threat, it is pretty dam absurd to think they are going to militarily engage the US or Europe. It is NeoCons who are poking Russia.

Turkey isn't much needed now since the Cold War is over . Turkey isn't ever going to fully go into the Russian camp because Turkey is Islamist leaning under Erdogan and Putin is against Islamism plus there is Chechnya and Crimea.Turkey has been enabling the Jihadis and blackmailing Europe with the migrants. Erdogan is bent on Islamic domination , and keeping Turkey in Nato enables him to incrementally pile on the pressure from the inside.

Our biggest problems come from our so called allies: Saudi and Pakistan. It's time we stopped going soft on them because they are 'allies' and likewise Turkey would receive less deference if it wasn't a NATO country. All of these nations know how to play the US and Western Europe.
Shit, of all countries in the world Turkey has to have fallen the furthest.

I'd be amazing if Russia actually took over Turkey.
I no longer care for ideals, only results

It seems to me that democracy has delivered far superior results across the globe historically. Obviously it needs the fitting culture and a certain economic strength to work.
It seems to me that democracy has delivered far superior results across the globe historically. Obviously it needs the fitting culture and a certain economic strength to work.

Yes, it's working wonderfully in Europe right now.

If you define "superior" as unmitigated chaos and destruction, refugees raping your daughters at a new years eve festival. lol
You live in your own reality.

Right, the one presented to me daily.

I read about one of the girls raped at new years that had an abortion, you should ask her about democracy. lol

I wonder what the school children being beaten daily by moslems in their once safe schools think about it.

Maybe it's time men like Trump and Putin made the decisions for the good of all and fuck who's offended.
Turkish authorities to shut down dozens of media outlets
1,200 commissioned officers dismissed from the navy, air and land forces

By Erin Cunningham | July 27, 2016

Journalists gather outside a court building in Istanbul on July 27 to support their colleague Bulent Mumay, who was detained a day earlier in connection with the investigation launched into the failed coup attempt on July 15.

ISTANBUL — Turkey’s government has ordered the closure of dozens of media outlets — including news agencies, television channels, radio stations and newspapers — as part of its widespread crackdown in the wake of a failed coup attempt on July 15.

Authorities have suspended thousands of people working in the country’s judicial, education, health and financial sectors. But the move against media outlets escalated a campaign against journalists in a country that had once been hailed as a model of democracy in the region.

Nearly 90 reporters and columnists have been ordered detained this week, a decision the rights group Amnesty International called a “brazen attack on press freedom.”

The decree from Turkey’s cabinet of ministers to close the outlets was published late Wednesday in the country’s Official Gazette. A state of emergency enacted after the coup attempt allows Turkey’s executive to issue decrees, which are then sent to parliament for approval.

Earlier Wednesday, prosecutors issued detention orders for nearly 50 journalists and media figures tied to the Zaman newspaper, which was shut down at the request of local prosecutors in March. Forty-two journalists and columnists from various media outlets were also ordered detained Monday.

Zaman, which had been Turkey’s largest daily, was believed to be tied to Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, a rival to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The president and his supporters have accused Gulen, who lives in self-imposed exile in the United States, for orchestrating the coup, which saw more than 200 people killed.

Turkey has said it will formally ask the United States to extradite Gulen, who has denied being behind the coup attempt.

A band of rogue military officers seized combat aircraft, blocked bridges and fired on unarmed protesters demonstrating against the takeover. The government survived the violent putsch attempt but has since launched a devastating purge of Turkey’s security institutions and bureaucracy.

The New York-based Human Rights Watch warned this week that the detention or suspension of thousands of bureaucrats, judges, journalists and others is “an unvarnished move for an arbitrary, mass and permanent purge of the civil service.”

On the detention of scores of journalists, Amnesty International’s deputy director for Europe, Gauri van Gulik, said Turkey’s government “is failing to make a distinction between criminal acts and legitimate criticism.”

“Rather than stifling press freedom and intimidating journalists into silence, it is vital that Turkish authorities allow the media to do their work,” she said, “and end this draconian clampdown on freedom of expression.”

The decree Wednesday targeted three news agencies, 16 television channels, 23 radio stations and 45 newspapers. Many of these companies are local or regional outlets.

Turkey’s government pins the coup on a shadowy network of Gulen sympathizers operating overseas and in the country, including in the media and a host of state institutions. The movement’s infiltration of the military’s officer corps is said to have given the coup plotters the critical mass needed to launch their failed bid to take over the state.

On Wednesday, Turkey also discharged more than 2,400 military personnel for “complicity in the attempted coup,” a senior Turkish official said.

The dismissed personnel included 1,200 commissioned officers from the navy, air and land forces. The Turkish armed forces said that 8,651 personnel — or 1.5 percent of the military — participated in the abortive coup and that the rebel faction used 35 planes, 37 helicopters, 74 tanks and three ships during the operation.

The government also ordered that the coast guard and the gendarmerie, the security force tasked with keeping the peace in rural areas, be removed from military control and be placed under the jurisdiction of the Interior ministry, which is administered by civilian leadership. An Al Jazeera Turk report indicated that authorities will take the further drastic step on Thursday of ordering the closure of all military high schools – once pillars of the Turkish state – across the country.

The assault took place over about 12 hours between the night of July 15 and morning of July 16, when the rogue soldiers surrendered to citizens and police who had fought back against the coup. Pro-coup pilots had used combat aircraft to bomb Turkey’s parliament and presidential palace. The country’s top leaders, however, emerged unscathed.

Since then, authorities have embarked on a massive campaign to detain, arrest and suspend tens of thousands of government employees for alleged links to the plot. Turkey’s opposition parties have condemned the coup but are also warning against further repression.

“Those who are innocent should not be thrown into the fire with those who are guilty,” Kemal Kilicdaroglu, the head of the leftist Republican People’s Party (CHP), told the Associated Press on Tuesday.
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No, I'm not so concerned with dictators.

I'm fine with Putin dictating anything he wants to protect the realm and Christendom. Christendom has always had kings, before the communists, Russia had tzars.

Democracy is a steaming pile of bullshit that leads directly to communism via Marxist infiltration. Ideally there should be a Republic but that hasn't worked out in America or anywhere else. It always degenerates into mob rule, then communism.

I no longer care for ideals, only results.

Yes, it hasnt work in America at all:rolleyes:
Yes, it hasnt work in America at all:rolleyes:

No, it hasn't if you consider half this country lives off the other half that is hanging onto their jobs by a thread. lol

BLM shooting cops in the streets. Moslems shooting shit up, yeah working great.

It would suck if someone just came in and shut these people down, made them get jobs or kneel in front of a ditch and deported the illegals. lol
In Turkish history 2016 will be known as the year of Proscriptons.
Remember guys you have to respect the democratic process.
No, it hasn't if you consider half this country lives off the other half that is hanging onto their jobs by a thread. lol

BLM shooting cops in the streets. Moslems shooting shit up, yeah working great.

It would suck if someone just came in and shut these people down, made them get jobs or kneel in front of a ditch and deported the illegals. lol


Seems that it has been working well for the past 240 years.

Seems that it has been working well for the past 240 years.

Every time I make a point you change the subject. So brave of you.

We're bankrupt and that map is completely outdated.

The entire South West should say "little Mexico". Dearborne, MI should read "New Caliphate".
Their military is very pro-west as well as sworn by oath to uphold secularism. All they want to do is defend their people and stomp on radical Islamism.

Yeah I'm gonna have to kind of not agree.
Their military is very pro-west as well as sworn by oath to uphold secularism. All they want to do is defend their people and stomp on radical Islamism.

Yeah I'm gonna have to kind of not agree.

Erdogan has purged the entire army. There is no secular element left.
Well, they need to boot them out of NATO then.

Thank you for pointing that out.

Every time I make a point you change the subject. So brave of you.

We're bankrupt and that map is completely outdated.

The entire South West should say "little Mexico". Dearborne, MI should read "New Caliphate".

You said democracy doesnt works, the US has been a democracy since its inception, and right now is the only world superpower that also has a high standard of living.

The strongest and wealthiest nations in the world are democracies.