Tavares +335 .15u
Trizano +152 1.7u
Trizano DEC +280 .26u
Trizano ITD +700 .3u
Caceres +108 2u
Caceres SUB +750 .13u
Marquez -127 1.5u
Honchak -140 .5u
Ostovich +191 .5u
Ostovich SUB +625 .13u
Bessette -138 .5u
Bessette NSC +100 .33u
Pena -158 4.5u (Combination of +145, +105, -120, -160, -210, and -222)
Piechota -133 1.33u
Piechota SUB +565 .25u
Mitchell NSC -134 .9u
Diamond DEC +185 .13u
Planned to switch over to Adesanya, but can't do it with the small cage, bought out most of my Tavares action. Wanted to be on Mitchell as a big dog but the public is giving him his deserved respect. Will be on Katona if I can get near -200