Trump's presidential run was depicted on a cartoon 20 years ago.

Edgar Allan Hoe

Black Belt
Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
Was rewatching the old Jon Lovitz cartoon The Critic for some good old nostalic fun and I totally forgot that one of the episodes has some striking similarities to Trump's run for President.

  • Billionaire
  • Runs with promise to be free of special interests
  • Is a whacky character
Just watch for yourself, it's pretty good.

Someone queue up the Simpson's CT video where the little kid drops the sign in both the cartoon and real life.
The Simpsons literally predicted a Trump presidency.

I'm pretty sure they have an episode with Lisa taking over from Trump in the year 2020.

They also had Trump announcing his presidency while coming down an escalator... Just like real life.

Kind of freaky accuracy really... I just really, really hope they were wrong with their "prediction".
the least-discussed cartoon "prediction" came from Iron Man in 1995.
you think any mainstream cartoon would use this imagery post 9/11?
No. BUT i don't put it past some truthers to draw the shit up on their own.
And, I wasn't challenging it so much as I was interested in seeing it. I guess i should have asked for a link instead of "proof". Bad wording.