Social Trump Tweets V3: Presidential Harrassment

I can google pop culture nuggets that appeared on Late Night shows too. Wow, you really showed me. Funny how you didn't bother with that, until somebody else pointed it out...

It still doesn't prove anything though. I'm fairly confident you had no idea what you were bitching about.
Now it's fairly confident. Baby steps. :D
No, you wouldn't have noticed if you didn't make hating Trump and people who believe he's not an evil monster, a part of your daily life. So far as to document anonymous people's positive opinions of him in your head. Have you mentioned me to your co-workers yet?

Newsflash: You're the obsessed one.
Newsflash: You've already proven why you stand out among the crowd in this forum since your original post to me in this thread. Get a fucking grip you dork.
Uhhh the Blagojevich scandal was pretty big news when it was blowing up. Anyone over 30 who was following politics at the time likely remembers it.

one day the forum will make the connection between Heretic picking the kid from GOT as his avatar and being underage on the internet trying to talk politics
You dork. You have no idea who he is because you haven't followed US politics since Obama was elected. Another instance of you being sure you can read minds. <{cruzshake}>
You really should use Google yourself so you don't look like a fool making these claims.
What's certain is that you're writing out of your ass again. <{Heymansnicker}>
If he's a Dem then why is Trump trying to commute his sentence? All they have in common is corruption. <BC1>
Now it's fairly confident. Baby steps. :D
Newsflash: You've already proven why you stand out among the crowd in this forum since your original post to me in this thread.

Obsessively quotes me six times in a row, and leaves on this note...

Get a fucking grip you dork.

I only watched the episode Meatloaf flipped out and Gary Busey was going to throw him a beating.
Ah the delicious deflection in this one...

No, you wouldn't have noticed if you didn't make hating Trump and people who believe he's not an evil monster, a part of your daily life. So far as to document anonymous people's positive opinions of him in your head. Have you mentioned me to your co-workers yet?

Newsflash: You're the obsessed one.

See, you guys are the "obsessed one" and not him.

Here he is, in his need to defend any and all things Trump, chiming in on a issue he admits he knew nothing about. But still he feels the need to defend and offer his defense.

Yup it was a huge news story that was on all the late night talk shows.

But I specifically wasn't privy to any of this information

This is a strange meltdown you're having

I wouldn't have noticed if you didn't make it such a big part of your life to adore and defend Trump against complaints from his constituents in the last 2 years I've frequented this forum. But I get that you just have USA envy.

Sometimes it's better not to talk.
Blago was on the apprentice

Even as a Canadian myself this was a story that was very known to anyone up here in Canada as it was such big news and so uncommon back then.

But Heretic will maintain no one knew, because he was ignorant of it. And that those who did know and bring it up are the obsessed ones and its not him. FLOL. what a clown.
I have yet to see any pundits calling out Trump on the backtracking he is attempting to do with his Squad directed comments.

He is trying to claim that his tweeted "go back where you came from" demand is simply the equivalent of "if you don't like America, leave" in order to escape the clear, racial and ethnic implications of the tweet.

I have heard both phrases used by republican "patriots" since I was a kid. And it has always been clear that they have very different applications.

The first is directed exclusively towards "foreign" looking (non-white) citizens while the latter can apply to any democrat or progressive, including those of clearly European descent. (White "hippies" being the most obvious example.)

We all know why his requested return of allegedly disgruntled American lawmakers specifically to their nation of ancestry was applied to four brown people.

Now let's address the "Send her back!" chant.

Fact: The chant was directed specifically at Ilhan Omar.

Fact: Omar is a Somali immigrant.

Fact: Somalia is a nation in Africa.

Thus, if the crowd had instead chanted "Back to Africa! Back to Africa!" on what basis could anyone pretend to have a problem with that language, or suggest it is racist, if they are defending the language that was actually used at the NC rally?

It must logically follow for defenders of the rally chant to declare it is not an explicitly racist act to tell an African American to "go back to Africa".

Please, Trump supporters, weigh in here and make that case.

Thar bit hard to follow, but only an idiot would suggest chanting send her back about Ohmar is racist.

Lady clearly prefers something other than the country she sought asylum from and along with her advocating light sentences for ISIS recruits that would have killed Americans soldiers her tweets make it clear that she thinks the US is an evil colonizer.
Thar bit hard to follow, but only an idiot would suggest chanting send her back about Ohmar is racist.

Lady clearly prefers something other than the country she sought asylum from and along with her advocating light sentences for ISIS recruits that would have killed Americans soldiers her tweets make it clear that she thinks the US is an evil colonizer.
only an idiot, would not see that Trump has complained far more about the US and its institutions and wanting to change everything from the Courts, to the FBI, to the Senate and Congress, to the DOJ, to the various agencies.

I mean its literally near impossible to find anything Trump has not complained about so the 'send him back' applies far more to him than Omar, if we are not being idiots.

If you want to disagree lets go statement for statement with an Av and Sig bet, and I will concede you 2 for 1. I will post 2 statements with Trump complaining about something to every one you can about Omar. 3 months sig and Av?
only an idiot, would not see that Trump has complained far more about the US and its institutions and wanting to change everything from the Courts, to the FBI, to the Senate and Congress, to the DOJ, to the various agencies.

I mean its literally near impossible to find anything Trump has not complained about so the 'send him back' applies far more to him than Omar, if we are not being idiots.

If you want to disagree lets go statement for statement with an Av and Sig bet, and I will concede you 2 for 1. I will post 2 statements with Trump complaining about something to every one you can about Omar. 3 months sig and Av?

Why the F would I bet on anything Trump says? Dude tweets all night and has taken borh sides of nearly ever issue out there at some point.

My comment was that send her back about Ohmar isnt racist. If you disagree - then oh well.
Why the F would I bet on anything Trump says? Dude tweets all night and has taken borh sides of nearly ever issue out there at some point.

My comment was that send her back about Ohmar isnt racist. If you disagree - then oh well.
its a racist comment unless he would apply moreso to himself.

Its application, the words he chose, are not based on her statements (his are worse) but rather her ethnicity.
its a racist comment unless he would apply moreso to himself.

Its application, the words he chose, are not based on her statements (his are worse) but rather her ethnicity.

The post I replied to specifically said that the people at the rally chanting send her back was a racist statement. Its bull.

You idiots have been calling conservatives racist for at least the last 18 years. You guys should really come up with something new.
Probably End Game

I wonder whether Trump is intentionally being dishonest with his whole referring to "the elite" derogatorily and then later claiming those persons called themselves elite, or whether he's just that fucking stupid.
only an idiot, would not see that Trump has complained far more about the US and its institutions and wanting to change everything from the Courts, to the FBI, to the Senate and Congress, to the DOJ, to the various agencies.

I mean its literally near impossible to find anything Trump has not complained about so the 'send him back' applies far more to him than Omar, if we are not being idiots.

If you want to disagree lets go statement for statement with an Av and Sig bet, and I will concede you 2 for 1. I will post 2 statements with Trump complaining about something to every one you can about Omar. 3 months sig and Av?
it's crazy to think anyone is trying to Beef with the impulse to change laws and approaches to infrastructure, that's part of the whole "endless pitching process" built into branches of government

send who back to their where? we hitting the exile button like the 4th century because you had a policy argument?

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