Trump threatens to 'take away media's credentials' over negative news stories about him.

My god, don’t you people pay attention to how trump works?

He’s been trolling them with this for how long now?
Even if that were true you have normalized the president of the united states using twitter to troll people. Yikes.
CNN should have their credentials stripped, that much I think we should all agree on. They're openly campaigning and spreading disinformation with zero journalistic integrity.
It's true. They are the colluders that need to be outed, not Russia.
So the media shouldn't be given access needed to properly cover the gov't because they keep finding bad stuff?

He didn't say all media - just network TV news.

Slippery slope and I don't agree with that, but I do despise most network news, and things have gotten out of hand on both sides imo with clear partisanship in the networks.
Trump says:
Fake = Negative
Negative = Fake...

But I'm sure Sanders will spin that as...

"That's not what what Mr. Trump meant".
What do you think has compromised CNN credibility? I mean can you point to an example that has compromised journalistic integrity?

Not saying they have not done it just would like to know what examples make you feel that way.




Just a few of many. Oh and let’s not forget the time they implied it was illegal to read the Wikileaks, the time they colluded with a candidate to rig the primary, etc, etc...
So the media shouldn't be given access needed to properly cover the gov't because they keep finding bad stuff?

No, because they're clearly compromised by their political leanings.

Besides, it's not like taking their credentials away would change much. Whatever will the corrupt media do, without being able to shout at Sarah Sanders everyday? I guess news on the President would just cease to exist.
What do you think has compromised CNN credibility? I mean can you point to an example that has compromised journalistic integrity?

Not saying they have not done it just would like to know what examples make you feel that way.

Think of it in terms of how much air time per day they spend on certain topics, particularly flimsy, substanceless conjecture surrounding Trump. Look at how much air time they give his accomplishments, most recently the North Korean progress and compare it to Stormy Daniel's and everything else they try to run. Hell they ran a story about some chick on the apprentice that was "uncomfortable".

Recently I literally heard a CNN anchor say "we can't let this distract us from the Stormy Daniel's story" when they were covering North Korea.

It's naked propaganda.
It's true. They are the colluders that need to be outed, not Russia.

They gave debate questions to the Hillary campaign and then run stories undermining Trumps presidency lol and " Russia collusion" when Hillarys uranium deal is far more suspicious.

And these shills are asking me to explain myself? Hilarious.
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Even if that were true you have normalized the president of the united states using twitter to troll people. Yikes.

Trump was trolling on twitter years before he became president. FFS he trolled little Kim into ending the Korean War.



Just a few of many. Oh and let’s not forget the time they implied it was illegal to read the Wikileaks, the time they colluded with a candidate to rig the primary, etc, etc...
This is a good chance to dismantle the idea of fake news. When you google the family leave story the first thing you see next to the two articles it that they are labelled as opinion pieces. Now, I don't know if people don't understand that since the beginning of time newspapers, television channels, magazines, and various other new outlets have ran opinion pieces but they have. These pieces are usually under a column that signifies they are an opinion. These pieces are prefaced by a label saying they don't reflect the views of the network at large.

The first one is by
Vanessa Brown Calder is a policy analyst at the Cato Institute, where she focuses on social welfare, housing and urban policy. The views expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.

The second one is by
Heather Boushey is the executive director of the Washington Center for Equitable Growth, and former chief economist for Hillary Clinton's transition team. She is also the author of "Finding Time: The Economics of Work-Life Conflict," from Harvard University Press. Katie Bethell is the executive director of Paid Leave for the US, a new national nonpartisan organization dedicated to winning paid family leave for everyone in the United States. The views expressed in this commentary are their own.

The great irony here is of course that these two articles present two sides of the story, which is something Trump supporters claim fake news doesn't do. Calder writes for the conservative National Review and Libertarian Cato Institute. Boushey is a liberal who worked for Hillary. Boushey actually reacts to Calder's article in here. If Trump people actually cared about journalistic integrity they would take time to both read the articles and understand where they are coming from.
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This is a good chance to dismantle the idea of fake news. When you google the family leave story the first thing you see next to the two articles it that they are labelled as opinion pieces. Now, I don't know if people don't understand that since the beginning of time newspapers, television channels, magazines, and various other new outlets have ran opinion pieces but they have. These pieces are usually under a column that signifies they are an opinion.

The first one is by
Vanessa Brown Calder is a policy analyst at the Cato Institute, where she focuses on social welfare, housing and urban policy. The views expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.

The second one is by
Heather Boushey is the executive director of the Washington Center for Equitable Growth, and former chief economist for Hillary Clinton's transition team. She is also the author of "Finding Time: The Economics of Work-Life Conflict," from Harvard University Press. Katie Bethell is the executive director of Paid Leave for the US, a new national nonpartisan organization dedicated to winning paid family leave for everyone in the United States. The views expressed in this commentary are their own.

The great irony here is of course that these two articles present two sides of the story, which is something Trump supporters claim fake news doesn't do. Calder writes for the conservative National Review and Libertarian Cato Institute. Boushey is a liberal who worked for Hillary. Boushey actually reacts to Calder's article in heres. If Trump people actually cared about journalistic integrity they would take time to both read the articles and understand where they are coming from.

Clearly you don’t understand what “pushing a narrative” is.
Think of it in terms of how much air time per day they spend on certain topics, particularly flimsy, substanceless conjecture surrounding Trump. Look at how much air time they give his accomplishments, most recently the North Korean progress and compare it to Stormy Daniel's and everything else they try to run. Hell they ran a story about some chick on the apprentice that was "uncomfortable".

Recently I literally heard a CNN anchor say "we can't let this distract us from the Stormy Daniel's story" when they were covering North Korea.

It's naked propaganda.

Ok, so they are a left-leaning news outlet. What exactly can you point out where they have violated journalists integrity.
For example, Hannity reporting on Cohen without disclosing he was a client would be one.

And I get the criticism on CNN. But what examples do you have that makes you think they have violated journalistic principles? And just not disagreed with your opinion?
"It's frankly disgusting that the Press can write whatever it wants to write and somebody should look into it."
Clearly you don’t understand what “pushing a narrative” is.
If you are claiming that running an article is pushing a narrative then they are pushing the narrative for both sides of that issue.
If you are claiming that running an article is pushing a narrative then they are pushing the narrative for both sides of that issue.

Now research “a timeline”.

Eventually this will all make sense to you. Anything Trump does, the left goes against. It’s pretty simple really.



Just a few of many. Oh and let’s not forget the time they implied it was illegal to read the Wikileaks, the time they colluded with a candidate to rig the primary, etc, etc...

Ok, but didn't they fire or release that person after?
I get the criticism of CNN but those are not arguments to question their journalistic integrity.
Ok, but didn't they fire or release that person after?
I get the criticism of CNN but those are not arguments to question their journalistic integrity.

How isn’t it?

CNN: Comey will testify x.

Reality: Comeys states the exact opposite.

“Muh credibility”