Trump Threatens to Cut Funding if Schools Aren't "Fully Open" During Pandemic

Imagine any Trump supporter with school age kids supporting this lunacy - knowing full well that if Trump went through with it it could have a devastating effect on their own child's quality of education.

The Orange Man cultists really are almost at a child-sacrifice-to-Moloch level of fanatical allegiance.

What is absolute lunacy is shutting down schools over a virus, when the the average age of death for said virus is about 80 (give or take depending on the location). There are almost no parents (on the left or right) that are scared for their kids in this. Some are scared for themselves, but more are just scared that if cases go up (even if they are mild) that their governors will lock them in their house again.
Schools have been defunded for over a decade now... especially in Red States. Where have you been, boss?

You are probably to young to know or remember this but when the States approved the "Lottery" a percentage of the money was to go to education. This was promised to improve schools, education, teacher salaries......etc. Well they lied.

Plus, if there is no school how are the poor kids going to eat? If poor people can't get to the voting booth they sure as shit can't get to the schools for food without school buses running.
Trump is right.

If you aren't in a nursing home, you probably aren't dying of the rona.

Trump Pledges To 'Pressure' Governors To Reopen Schools Despite Health Concerns

Trump on Wednesday went as far as to threaten to cut off federal funding if schools do not reopen and suggested that his political opponents are somehow interfering with the reopening process, saying Democrats think reopening would hurt them politically in the November election.

However, the decision to reopen schools — like the decision to close them in March — is not top-down, but made from the bottom-up by thousands of local and state school leaders and public health officials.

Despite this, Trump has made his desires clear.

"We're very much going to put pressure on governors and everybody else to open the schools," he said during a roundtable discussion on the subject Tuesday.

This stance was reiterated by Education Secretary/ Cruella DeVille doppleganger, Betsy DeVos who said ‘schools must be "fully operational" even amid the coronavirus pandemic. Anything less would fail students and taxpayers.'

Both Trump and Devos blasted the CDC guidelines for safe school re-openings as "too restrictive" and threatened to cut funding from states and districts that seek to comply with CDC guidelines.

I guess since they can't bully the pandemic directly, they will resort to bullying anyone who is trying to act with prudence to keep themselves, their loved ones, and vulnerable members of the community safe.

Really? That’s how we manage a safe, systematic return to school ... with pressure and threats from people who have never been on the front lines of education and never attended a public school? This is a shit show right now that district administrators, teachers, town officials and parents are trying to navigate. How about giving states and districts the time, financial support and flexibility to create a plan and the okay to adjust that plan as things progress? How about supplying schools with ongoing testing? How about acknowledging that this is a really tough situation and there is no one size fits all. Where is the humanity? Where is the acknowledgement of the facts? Where is the support?

Oh, that's right, this is the Trump administration we're talking about.

The Trump administration is demonstrably pro-virus.
Very little school funding comes from the Feds anyway. He's right though, fully open the schools. There is plenty of data at this point that suggests COVID-19:
  1. Is of minimal risk to children
  2. Does not spread easily between children
  3. Does not spread easily from children to adults

Closing schools should be an absolute last resort, and right now the data does not support it. Our kids physical and mental health is already lower than previous generations, and putting them in front of a computer all day without sports, gym, or socialization is only going to make that worse.

The data does not support closing schools.

The Left is politically motivated to make the Rona worse than it really is.
I don’t disagree that schools should be open if possible. It’s the ham-handed, bullying, stupid manner with which Trump approaches this (and every) situation that is most of the problem.

What about reassuring states that they will be given every resource to re-open as safely as possible, including full testing capacity?

That would be good, right?

Instead he just threatend to CUT funding if they don’t comply— or in this case do comply with the CDC guidelines.

Classic Trumpublican stupidity. This is what the GOP has become since the Obama era; the dumb guy party.

I largely just see it that when he makes a decision on something, he broadcasts his position on the matter as loudly as possible. If they let kids go to school he takes credit, if they don't he gets it on record that he did everything he could. I don't necessarily disagree with how you describe his approach and mannerisms, but agree with his position on this subject.
The Trump administration is demonstrably pro-virus.
well if they don’t keep the schools open we will have a bunch of emotionally retarded college kids with no skills destroying the community with pointless MUH LIFE SUCKS riots
Praise Jesus! Aunt Jemima is my mammy. Let’s all go to church y’all! Mask-free!
The data absolutely supports closing schools, and they need vast amounts of funding to open safely.

Dear Leader is lying to you again.
Not really.

The stats show the kids aren't dying. It's mostly nursing homes.
Children can spread the disease. Children don't teach themselves.

It's not mostly nursing homes. You're objectively pro-virus, and a danger to society.
The stats show that it's the older people who have been dying. Kids can carry it, but that's why the elderly need to be taking the precautions and the rest of us need to live productive lives.

Children can spread the disease. Children don't teach themselves.

It's not mostly nursing homes. You're objectively pro-virus, and a danger to society.

Between March 5 and April 21, researchers at the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) tracked cases of COVID-19 among pupils and teachers at 10 high schools and five elementary schools in New South Wales.

The researchers found that out of 863 pupils and teachers who had had close contact with an infected person, just two coronavirus cases were likely to have been transmitted in school — or 0.23%.

The study found that there were no cases of a teacher getting the virus from a pupil.

The study is preliminary and not the final one that will be done, sure. It is still more than anything you have posted in support of your anti-education argument.
There are no reasons for kids not to go to school because of the virus.