Social Trump talking about “civil war”

  • Thread starter Deleted member 499399
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if it's anything like Captain America, Civil War, then may Lawd have mercy on us all
Anyone suggesting civil war is an idiot. Trump should be bitchslapped for even mentioning it to incite idiots.

I so hope you're right.
But as per the founding fathers we are supposed to overthrow our government, forcefully if necessary if they try to disarm us. That has nothing to do with Trump. A good % of the population will wage war on that single point alone.
"Civil war-like fracture".

Come on, man. You keep omitting the specifics that don't fit with what you're pushing (do you work for CNN?). There is still a divide in America that dates back to the civil war. Referring to a "civil war-like fracture" would be referring to that specific division, and the possibility of another, similar, division resulting from his potential impeachment.

What's the divide, exactly? Is it still the slave owning states, or does this fracture pertain to the fact that red states that fought against America still can't balance their fucking budgets, and need the libtard blue scum to subsidize them?
I so hope you're right.
But as per the founding fathers we are supposed to overthrow our government, forcefully if necessary if they try to disarm us. That has nothing to do with Trump. A good % of the population will wage war on that single point alone.
Nobody is gonna take your guns, and if someone makes a persuasive enough argument to get law enforcement or the military to go along with that plan, the resistance to it would be quick and painfully extinguished. Getting Koresh'd solves nothing...

If you want to keep your arms, rally against the morons and criminals who shouldn't have them, not some imaginary boogeyman who isn't taking shit in reality.
Nobody is gonna take your guns, and if someone makes a persuasive enough argument to get law enforcement or the military to go along with that plan, the resistance to it would be quick and painfully extinguished. Getting Koresh'd solves nothing.

Again, I hope you're right. But when we have presidential candidates even mentioning it we have a problem. But I agree with your sentiments about law enforcement and military.

If you want to keep your arms, rally against the morons and criminals who shouldn't have them, not some imaginary boogeyman who isn't taking shit in reality

That's a great thought, but impossible to achieve.
No one is going to break up the black market on guns. It's too far gone. I can't remember the #'s off the top of my head but there are a ridiculous amount of un-tracked firearms compared to the ones that are legal and licensed. Either of us can head down to the street corner right now and have a gun in less than an hour if we really wanted one.
Meanwhile it's getting harder and harder for law abiding citizens to obtain one. I don't know what the solution is, I just know we have a serious problem.
It doesn't exactly sound far-fetched.

For all he's done wrong, Trump's opposition still manages to look insane, because they've been gunning for him like dishonest, hysterical lunatics from the moment he declared his intent to run for president. Their "literally Hitler" rhetoric has muddied the waters to such an extent, that if they did actually manage to have him removed from office, it would look to a lot of people, like little more than the culmination of a years-long conspiratorial witch-hunt.

America's already quite fractured - I'm not sure how this wouldn't fracture her further.
This is similar to how I view it. Not a fan of Trump, but his detractors are overreacting to a lot of things he says, and making things up as well. I'm guilty of it as well.
Civil War Like Fracture is what he said.

The salt produced until 2024 will make Morton's jealous.
If the left wants to win the Civil War, all they have to do is put a men's bathroom stall in the middle of the battlefield and all the conservatives over 50 will be drawn to it like moths to a light.
If the left wants to win the Civil War, all they have to do is put a men's bathroom stall in the middle of the battlefield and all the conservatives over 50 will be drawn to it like moths to a light.

If the right wants to win, all they have to do is put wigs and high heels on those men lined up at that bathroom stall and the left will be so confused that they'll shoot each other.
civil war over this guy? lol

sorry trump, america's just not that into you
It only took about 5000 Serbian militants to start the Balkan war.
It only took about 5000 Serbian militants to start the Balkan war.
i would like to think if some idiots start some shit, the rest of the population wonders to themselves, "are we really gonna kill each other over donald trump?!" and snap out of it
Anyone suggesting civil war is an idiot. Trump should be bitchslapped for even mentioning it to incite idiots.

The left and the media have been inciting idiots since about 2 years before Obama left office. That's the problem.
The left and the media have been inciting idiots since about 2 years before Obama left office. That's the problem.
It's the leftists...blah blah. And for christ's sake stfu about the media. You're a Trump supporter, talking about "fake" and "lies" shouldn't enter your Lexicon of conversation by law.
i would like to think if some idiots start some shit, the rest of the population wonders to themselves, "are we really gonna kill each other over donald trump?!" and snap out of it
Civil wars don't happen overnight. The buildup can be very long. I don't see it happening right now, but from an outsider perspective it seems like there's two kinds of Americans right now: Trumpers and anti-trumpers.

Theres plenty of groups out there that would like nothing more than a civil war and they've been around for very long.
It's the leftists...blah blah. And for christ's sake stfu about the media. You're a Trump supporter, talking about "fake" and "lies" shouldn't enter your Lexicon of conversation by law.

Fox was the network that incited idiocy for over 10 years. I'm not a partisan hack so of course I recognized it when I saw it. I thought it was a conspiracy to make white people stupid. As a non-partisan hack I now see WORSE inciting of anger and idiocy from YOUR networks. Live in reality.

I am more of a supporter of what the 16 election stood for than of trump himself.