That would be sexual harrassment, which is a crime of sexual violence. Are you claiming all the other statistics to be false? Do you have sources to support this?
Couple things to unpack here.
You posted in response to
@Mr Holmes saying most women will never be raped, then said that was objectively untrue and you linked the study.
Now, I can only take that to mean that you think the study shows, objectively, that most women experience rape. Not sexual violence. Rape.
Now you seem to be saying "sexual violence" instead of rape. Which would include, according to your own study, someone using sexual words that make someone else uncomfortable.
That's just as far as figuring out the terms were using.
Aside from that, the methodology of the study you posted is lacking. Number one being anonymous random survey. Second, including such a wide range of criteria to be catalogued as sexual violence.
Lets just start there. But first of all, you need to be specific what you think the study is "objectively proving". Because if you think it proves that half of women experience rape, you're wrong. Even the study itself quantified rape differently than the other criteria.
So what do you think the study proves?