Trump Defends Traitors

I'll support you on this one. Let's remove that traitorous fabric on sight.


Each one of these dumb bitches got plowed by an ebony prince within a week of these photos being taken...and none of them know what the Confederate flag is.
You have Canadian friends who sport a flag that represents the traitorous ancestry of soldiers who fought to keep slavery around?

Do they drool?

No actually all of them conduct themselves as better citizens than the radical leftist and male feminists that I've known.

Most of them work blue collar manual labor or heavy equipment jobs lots of people in society don't want to do, they lie a lot less, and they typically aren't racist.
Each one of these dumb bitches got plowed by an ebony prince within a week of these photos being taken...and none of them know what the Confederate flag is.

Probably. I say we educate them.....
No actually all of them conduct themselves as better citizens than the radical leftist and male feminists that I've known.

Most of them work blue collar manual labor or heavy equipment jobs lots of people in society don't want to do, they lie a lot less, and they typically aren't racist.

They're Canadians praising or flying a flag that represents slave owners going to war for their right to own people they saw as subhuman as property.

Sounds pretty fucking retarded to me.
Take Kaepernick for example. Succeeded in the American dream, made millions. But did that make him happy? Did that give him a sense of self? No. He wasn't happy until he started identifying himself as a victim and a slave. And all the woke changes and political correctness and flag bans, all the new opportunities, those aren't satisfying him. Maybe he and his friends would be happier actually living out their assumed identity once and for all.
So you're pro slavery?
So you're pro slavery?

i think its stupid. like if nothing else, modern tech has made it obsolete...what are we gonna do, whip people who aren't putting out google analytics reports fast enough?

but I've got some experience with submissives. and if that's what you want, and i'm pretty sure some of these people do, then who am i to say no?
They're Canadians praising or flying a flag that represents slave owners going to war for their right to own people they saw as subhuman as property.

Sounds pretty fucking retarded to me.

That's because you're too retarded to understand nuance and how neighboring cultures adopt and alter eachothers ideas and symbols.

You don't understand how the world works, we both know this.
Each one of these dumb bitches got plowed by an ebony prince within a week of these photos being taken...and none of them know what the Confederate flag is.

Another example of naked agregious hypocrisy of the leftist.

So, if I or anyone were to make a comment about a black women sucking white cock for his economic worth, it would be considered incredibly racist.

But you feel free to say something like this. I'm reporting it for racism. You can go ahead with your set up of saying I'm insecure and all of that jazz. I'm sure I'm doing better than your silly ass.
Well, he is right that white people are also being unjustly killed by law enforcement.

A more capable journalist might have asked him, "then what are you going to do help them?" If he's going to tally points on the law and order, pro-police line, make him hold it against the deaths of white people as well.

Wow, are you high?

I’ve never seen you make a post as coherent as this one.
Another example of naked agregious hypocrisy of the leftist.

So, if I or anyone were to make a comment about a black women sucking white cock for his economic worth, it would be considered incredibly racist.

But you feel free to say something like this. I'm reporting it for racism. You can go ahead with your set up of saying I'm insecure and all of that jazz. I'm sure I'm doing better than your silly ass.
lol @ This Snowflake being gotten to.

20 days since the public got word that the President got a briefing about Russian bounties on American military personnel in his intelligence briefing earlier this year.

President Trump hasn't uttered a word about it.

20 days since fake news concocted another happening

  • President Donald Trump defended people who support the Confederate flag and said they don't necessarily support it because of the Confederacy's deep-rooted ties to slavery.
  • "Well, people love it, and I don't view — I know people that like the Confederate flag and they're not thinking about slavery," Trump told CBS News in an interview.
  • Confederate leaders explicitly laid out in their constitution that the main goal of the Confederacy was to preserve slavery.
  • The president also lashed out when he was asked why African-Americans are still dying in police custody.
  • "So are white people," Trump said. "What a terrible question to ask. So are white people, more white people by the way, more white people."
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
President Donald Trump on Tuesday defended people who support the Confederate flag and said they don't necessarily support it because of the Confederacy's deep-rooted ties to slavery.

"Well, people love it, and I don't view — I know people that like the Confederate flag and they're not thinking about slavery," Trump told CBS News in an interview.

I'm confused, if people who love the Confederacy don't love it because of slavery then why do they love it?

"The military’s top officer on Thursday described Confederate leaders as traitors and said he is taking a “hard look” at renaming 10 Army installations that honor them, despite President Trump’s opposition to any changes.

“The Confederacy, the American Civil War was fought, and it was an act of rebellion,” the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark A. Milley, told members of the House Armed Services Committee. “It was an act of treason at the time against the Union, against the Stars and Stripes, against the U.S. Constitution, and those officers turned their back on their oath.”

The Army is now about 20 percent black, he said.

“For those young soldiers that go onto a base — a Fort Hood, a Fort Bragg or a fort wherever named after a Confederate general — they can be reminded that that general fought for the institution of slavery that may have enslaved one of their ancestors,” he said.

It seems like Trumps Chairmen of Joint Chiefs of Staff believes the confederacy were traitors and slavers. I guess Trump is defending people who sympathize with slavers and traitors. What would that make Trump?

^ go read this thread again and stop fucking crying. If TRUMP loved the confederacy so much he would have committed to rebuilding them too.

Like when you spaz out and post over every little thing Trump does that butthurts Low T Buzzfeed subscribers, don't you feel like ashamed? Like if this is where you are at in life then Trump is the last of your fucking worries.
^ go read this thread again and stop fucking crying. If TRUMP loved the confederacy so much he would have committed to rebuilding them too.

Like when you spaz out and post over every little thing Trump does that butthurts Low T Buzzfeed subscribers, don't you feel like ashamed? Like if this is where you are at in life then Trump is the last of your fucking worries.
Sorry bro, you're gonna have to use someone else's thread to plug yours. Very low energy.

Defends traitors? How about individuals who intentionally attempt to undermine the highest position in America, or people who dishonestly make war under false pretenses, or who sweep false flags under rugs, or groups who violently attempt to overthrow the very foundation of the country, or the tv media who divide the population at every opportunity? Kinda like defending them?
Defends traitors? How about individuals who intentionally attempt to undermine the highest position in America, or people who dishonestly make war under false pretenses, or who sweep false flags under rugs, or groups who violently attempt to overthrow the very foundation of the country, or the tv media who divide the population at every opportunity? Kinda like defending them?

People who took up arms against their country, whilst holding office in that said country and being under oath of said country are the very definition of treasonous traitors.

Not agreeing with some idiot holding the highest office of the land, media not following your narrative or not agreeing with you, protesting (violent or otherwise) to make a change in your own country whilst still being part of that country.........NOT treasonous or traitors.

Shithole countries with shithole dictators would agree with you though.


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