True or False: Conor McGregor embodies Bruce Lee's philosophies & fighting style


Sherdog Veteran
Jan 15, 2003
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Bruce Lee is the Godfather of MMA. Theres no doubt his fight philosophy, cross-training, and work ethic brought about the martial arts explosion of the 60's and 70's which in turn inspired fighters, trainers, promoters, and fans into what we refer to as modern MMA.

Conor McGregor is no flash in the pan. The guy kicks all sorts of ass in the cage and has the verbal skill a kin to the great Muhammad Ali. His fighting style, to me, reflects that of Lee's with his southpaw stance, the footwork, the movement and flow all resemble aspects of Lee's fighting methodology. Not since Jon Jones have I seen someone that embodies Lee's style more completely. McGregor even quotes Lee regularly with the "absorbing what is useful, discarding which is useless" and the "I have no style, the highest technique I hope to achieve is to have no technique."

Do you think McGregor embodies Bruce Lee's fighting style, philosophy etc? True or False.... and why or why not?


"Bruce Lee, the founder of free movement in hand to hand combat!! A man so far ahead of his time!!! A true hero and inspiration" -Conor McGregor

Unless the Irish kid suddenly starts making low quality movies and never actually fights anyone again, then no.

And Aldo would smash both of them.
Conor IS the Irish Bruce Lee IMO.
Bruce Lee? More like a Jesus, Lincoln & Musashi combo.

But better.
Nobody embodies Bruce Lee's philosophy in the MMA world better than Mr. McGregor. In fact, there's no combat athlete out there that's taken it as far as he has. I can see some of it in Jones too but Conor takes it to a new level that Lee himself I'm sure would be pleased with if he was still alive and got to see it today. So, absolutely. You can see the influence in McGregor's training and fighting 100%.
im not completely up on lee philosophy but....didn't he not agree with fighting for profit or something like that.
I can't be the only person alive who doesn't give a flying fuck about Bruce Lee or anything he had to say about Martial Arts.
False False False False False False False False False False False False False
Im going to enjoy watching this guy get beat. These threads are getting ridiculous.:rolleyes:
He definitely embodies Bruce Lee's philosophy of talking a lot.
Conor will one day become WWE champion according to Chael.
He's clearly been influenced by Bruce Lee, but who hasn't ?

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