Trip to Thailand


White Belt
Apr 4, 2008
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I'm looking into taking a trip to Thailand sometime this summer, if that is not possible than at least sometime this year. Here is my information to date:

Dates: July 3-31

Purpose: To train/learn Muay Thai at an authentic (as possible) Thai camp. If spare time allows it I'd like to take in the sites too.

Flight: Out of Toronto->Tokyo->Bangkok where I will spend a night (and take part in some underground bare knuckle fights ala Ong Bak)->Phuket next morning same shit on the way back.
*Cost: 2550

*Cost (includes 2 meals a day, bed, training):735.39

Pocket money: 2500

As of April 9 2008, this is my plan.

Thanks to everyone for their kind words and suggestions. Still have yet to commit to anything but it's looking like this will be it.
That sounds awesome, like a lot of fun.

and your link doesn't work.
Damn, where you from? Unless you're from a tropical climate, I think going to thailand during the summer would be hell.

Sinbi is a good camp too, spent the summer there last year. I will be there again from June to the end of July.

I stopped by Suwit last summer, they are ok... kind of run down.

Sinbi has much better facilities and training IMO.
I'm also considering a trip to Thailand in the near future. I have spent a lot of time in Thailand in the past but never to train. Definantely let me know what camp you decide on if you wouldn't mind. Thanks.
Wow it must be crazy to go train over there. You are lucky to have the opportunity. Hope you have a great time..
If you are looking for a no-bs gym that offers only hardcore training without any fancy tourist attractions, go for Kaewsamrit. I heard a lot of good things bout this gym. There's also a lot of vids on youtube bout their training so you can see how they train.
If your gonna be near Bangkok go to Kaewsamrit..Super cheap..the accomodations suck but you'll be living like a fighter..prepare to feel like your training with a blanket on from the humidity and keep your feet dry and clean because they will get eaten up from training on the pavement
ps the site says that its 372 with the room, ac, AND training... i dont know if you caught that but the original post made it seem that it would be an additional 200 for training
Damn, where you from? Unless you're from a tropical climate, I think going to thailand during the summer would be hell.

You gotta remember Thailand's in the southern hemisphere - June-july is winter there (I think, lol)
If your gonna be near Bangkok go to Kaewsamrit..Super cheap..the accomodations suck but you'll be living like a fighter..prepare to feel like your training with a blanket on from the humidity and keep your feet dry and clean because they will get eaten up from training on the pavement

Kaewsamrit has a matter floor, so you won't get you feet chewed up...
I think they got the padded floor in 2005 when they moved to the new gym. The just added a whole new wing to the gym.
Nice..I was there in 03 and my feet looked like ground pork
If you have the time and money then go for it. I'd love to train over at Thailand some day myself but going to Australia this summer and cant affored it. Maybe next year.
So, I was thinking of going to the Sinbi Muay-Thai Camp, but I was wondering: how is the food like? I like good food, so is it like a military regimen?
You don't have to eat at the the Sinbi camp. They have a food program, but the owner told us we could get better/cheaper food down the rd.

There are a bunch of great cafes right around the corner from the gym...