Trapped nerve


French knickers belt
Nov 19, 2004
Reaction score
Hi. i don't think this is the right forum for this but never mind. i have a trapped nerve in my right trapezeus running down my spine. I got it while grappling. It's quite painfull and analgesics aren't working for me. Any body know how to get them out because it is stopping me from training Thanks
SmashiusClay said:
Go see a doctor.

Thank you. There should be a button for that for any thread starting with "Cauliflower Ear", "Broken _________", "Ringworm", or anything else, where you just click "see a fucking doctor".

Then, we can also make a "go take a grappling class" or "ask your instructor" button for questions about day 1 techniques.
I have been previously when i had one a few months ago. He just gives you anti-inflamatories and says it will go. I was asking incase anybody knows or certain exercises to try and work out the nerve
Woob said:
I have been previously when i had one a few months ago. He just gives you anti-inflamatories and says it will go. I was asking incase anybody knows or certain exercises to try and work out the nerve

And he called it a trapped nerve, but just gave you motrin?

It's definitely not a "pinched" nerve, then. Did he give you any other advice?

Basically, if a doctor said "just take this, it'll go away", then the response from most folks here is goign to be "put some Vagisil on it".

It doesn't sound particularly serious, just stretch and work through it (IF your do didnt' tell you to take time off).

I have a deep bruise above my hip from the way I came down on a guys arm during a slam (reminded me of Jackson/Satake), it makes it tough to throw right hands or do some ground work. Hot shower and taking it light for a couple weeks shoudl help. Stop altogether, and you'll just pull it again when you get back.
I have a trapped nerve (and the doctor said that's what it is) in my elbow. The doc's given me anti-inflammatories to take, and said "Try these, and if they don't help, go to see a sports physio". I'm guessing I'm going to be seeing a physio very shortly.
Woob said:
I have been previously when i had one a few months ago. He just gives you anti-inflamatories and says it will go. I was asking incase anybody knows or certain exercises to try and work out the nerve
Well if its the same problem I'd try antiinflammatories and rest and it'll go away. I've had the same thing a couple of times (trapped nerves in my neck, back, hip even once trapped a nerve in my elbow putting the mats away at the end of a comp.). Just try not to agravate it and it'll go away. Oh and be thankfull its not in your neck cos' that sucks, I was walking around with my head at a 30 degree angle for about a week and a half and had to sit a bunch of exams like that.