Trapdoor Spiders!

I just saw this posted on reddit:

Caught one of our Honduran Curly hair tarantulas in the process of molting. Older videos.

Does anyone has seen those japanese videos were they put creepy crawlers to fight each other??

I kind feel bad watching animals (even insects) fighting just for the amusement of us humans, but what I just wanted to say is surprisingly a beetle is the one that beats the crap out of any other insect (tarantula, scorpion, mantis, centipede, etc.).


They are basically armored like tanks (inmune to bites and stings) and super strong.
when I was little me and my friend used to catch spiders. We caught a bunch of banana spiders and 1 black widow.

Looking back...what a dumb dumb I was

F poisonous things

My home growing up was infested with them. You would rarely see them around the house and we regularly sprayed. But at night we'd go out back with a light and shine it under the porch. Countless spiders. Looking back it's kind of ridiculous to have that many poisonous crawlers living with you, but as a kid it's just the way it was so I didn't think anything of it.
Their burrows go down to the very depths of Hell itself.
I have to say I'm stunned it actually missed once.
When i was a kid i always thought trap door spiders were the coolest of all spiders