hey guys well i recently started training MMA and i just have a quick question basically someone i know who also trains told me that to start off with you cant really just train everything at once and that its good to just first pick one style ie muay thai or bjj etc and stick to it for a while before mixing in and learning the rest. I mean i want to be the best fighter that i can and so i obviously want to be good at all aspects of the game. However some are more appealing to me then others ie i prefer stand up than grappling, i have some previous MA experience trained TKD as a kid for about 6 years up to the age of 14 and did wingchun kung fu for about a year. So i just wanted to hear what you guys think, im looking to be training 4 times a week and at my gym theres training sessions available in BJJ, greco roman wrestling, mauy thai and chute box so what would your advice be?