Training in ATL


White Belt
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Does anyone train down there? Right now it looks like I'll be in Buckhead for a few months. Anyone train at Jacare's? Which location and how much are training fees?
there is one in sandy spring..on roswell road
and one in mid town on krog street.
i think roberto traven teaches at the mid town location.
Go with Jacare. There is a reason so many of his students are champions.
You should do what I did when I was in ATL....ACT AS WHITE AS POSIBLE!!!! Doesn't matter what race you are, but my experiences in atl where anybody who acted white would have to fight the craziest ass hoody in neighborhood-Thats where I got my strong "get oh stompin's"

Anyone at Jacare's? What are drop in fees and monthly fees? Do you guys get a lot of visitors?
You pay 125 per month, you can go as much as you want( 2 classes a day), and you can go to either location ( jacare is in sandy springs and traven is downtown). Yes, we get alot of visitors. Drop in fees are $20 i think.
i think its the best in the Atl. i have trained at each location