Training advice


Brown Belt
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
The MT club near me only trains twice a week. Even the boxing clubs near me only train that much as well. Is this enough training time to be able to compete [I know that at 30 yrs old. I will never make it to K-1, PRIDE] What else should I do?

If you're hoping for competition level, you'll want to increase your frequency. If you're just trying to get in shape, learn technique and be prepared in case of a street're ahead of the game. I'd get together with a couple other guys from your class and set up some training time with them.
bdweezil6998 said:
If you're hoping for competition level, you'll want to increase your frequency. If you're just trying to get in shape, learn technique and be prepared in case of a street're ahead of the game. I'd get together with a couple other guys from your class and set up some training time with them.

Thanks bdweezil. The majority of the clubs are like that. The only clubs that train 5 days a week are 2 1/2 hour drive for me. They are the only ones [3 in total] that are considered full-time gyms. I'm hoping to start Boxing soon [also 2 times a week] to complement it.
Thanks again bdweezil.
Evil Eye Gouger said:
Why don't you do both? Muay Thai + Boxing.

Make it 4x a week.

Evil Eye. I was actually planning on doing that. The boxing club in the same town i do MT is Mon, Wed 8:15-9:15 and MT is Mon,Wed 9:30- xxx [Its technically 11:00 the class ends but the guys stay after that. Most of the time they stay after midnight.] That will probably be my Monday and Wedesday schedule. I might fill in the rest of the week with BJJ or Judo.

also, if you're planning to compete, you might want to fill your non MT days with weight training and extra cardio.
bdweezil6998 said:
also, if you're planning to compete, you might want to fill your non MT days with weight training and extra cardio.

Will do. Thanks again Bdweezil.
Do you have any brothers to fight??
It worked for Matt Hughes ;)
bdweezil6998 said:
also, if you're planning to compete, you might want to fill your non MT days with weight training and extra cardio.

It sucks that MT and boxing are on the same day, but it can't hurt to do both.

Just take it easy in the beginning. Starting with ONE MA can be hard, let alone two.