Tonight Show Host Jimmy Fallon Says Making Fun Of Trump Is 'Just Not What I Do'

I always found John Oliver to be the funniest of the group. Unless we're counting Steve Carrel. Carrel is legitimately the most talented guy in Hollywood. Incredibly nuanced actor and just hilarious.
Colbert and Courdry are my 2 favorite Daily Show correspondents. Agree on Carrell though. He has turned out to be a terrific actor. He's phenomenal in, The Big Short.
I don't even know how these late night talk shows have survived this long. I could see how they were popular in the old days. But now, with all the entertainment options available, why would anyone want to sit through a bunch of commercials to see some vapid celebrities tell a bunch of phony stories in those lame interview segments? I guess the shows open with a monologue that in theory could be funny, but for most of these shows it seems that those have devolved into political commentary. If people like it then good for them but it just boggles my mind.
Colbert and Courdry are my 2 favorite Daily Show correspondents. Agree on Carrell though. He has turned out to be a terrific actor. He's phenomenal in, The Big Short.

I honestly started noticing Carrell's acting talent in the office because of how masterful he was with his timing and with facial micro-expressions.

If you haven't seen Foxcatcher, Carrell is haunting. Really unsettling film.
The Daily Show was pretty great at its peak, with Stewart, Colbert, Carrel, Cordry and whoever else I'm forgetting. They had a damn fine cast for a fake news show once upon a time.
I felt like they should have given Letterman's show to Norm Macdonald.

I haven't watched late night TV in a while, but Kimmel, Fallon, and Meyers all drive me up a wall. Colbert is great, but he's out of his element. I don't think he's having as much fun as he used to.
My takeaway from this is that bashing Trump = ratings, and imo that's pretty fucking sad. Not to say Trump isn't a buffoon and an embarrassment, but if you're picking your late night talk shows based on who's going to make fun of Trump the most then Trump is seriously under your skin, and you deserve two full terms of him.
Bash Trump or not, I will never watch his show or any other of the disgusting late-night entertainment buffoons.

I stopped watching late night because I figured all of them were all politics all the time. Guess I'll have to give Fallon another shot.

He shits on Trump every night. And makes tired Russia jokes every night.

Just stay away.
The Report was just annoying after about the first year. The shtick got old to me and his staying in character really defanged where he could go with his jokes.

I was a much bigger fan of The Daily Show. I don't find Stewart all that funny either, but I really enjoy him as a political commentator. Very intelligent and articulate guy.

Jon "I'm just a comedian" Stewart is a retard who spawned a bunch of retarded wannabe clones. Stewart is a plague on the earth. Christopher Hitchens destroyed the mediocre Stewart in an excellent article.

"The smug satire of liberal humorists debases our comedy—and our national conversation."
Trump or no Trump, Fallon just kind of sucks. I applaud him going a little against the grain though. But yeah, he's just not that great of a host, which is probably the main reason he's not doing as well as some think he should.
Jon "I'm just a comedian" Stewart is a retard who spawned a bunch of retarded wannabe clones. Stewart is a plague on the earth. Christopher Hitchens destroyed the mediocre Stewart in an excellent article.

"The smug satire of liberal humorists debases our comedy—and our national conversation."

It shocks me 0% that you (a) are arbitrarily spiteful of left-leaning comedians and would be myopic enough to believe that comedians of all things represent the "plague" on modern discourse, and (b) use the term "retard" like a preteen.
celebrities thinking they're the moral compass for society when they're some of the most morally bankrupt individuals. I care about the political stance of celebrities as much as I care about financial advice from homeless junkies.

Lol. Damn straight.
Conan was just on Colbert. no talks of politics (for the most part). just hilarity.


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