Tommy Dreamer considered murdering Heyman and himself at WrestleMania 17


Belt Purple
Mar 28, 2005
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I'm all for revealing things typically but this was some deep dark shit that he should have kept to himself or just a therapist.

"I remember I did a show there, and I saw a sign that said, 'Guns Welcome,' and I was in Houston," Dreamer said. "I did an indie show, and I said, 'What is this?' I'm from New York, what do you mean, 'guns welcome?' and they said, 'Oh you are allowed to bring a firearm into the venue.' I was across the street from the Astrodome. When I tell you it resonated in my head so, so much.

"That I'll tell you what I wanted to do. It's sick that I think this. At Wrestlemania, I was gonna hop the rail, and I was gonna whack Paul E. in the back of the head right at the announce table, then I was gonna whack myself. The ultimate martyr, I was gonna hit my pose crack, boom, pull the trigger. Because I was that insane. Don't know if I would have went through with it, but that's what I was thinking about every day. I was like, 'I will go down in history.' Pop, boom. First, they'd think it as an angle until I shot him. I was so severely depressed and so mental with rage, I needed help."
I don't believe him.
Instead he grew a big forehead and disappeared.
This is why Dreamer never truly broke through. No commitment.
Well he probably made the right choice not doing it
They say he's a dreamer, but he's not the only one.

Um how is this legal to say? That's like someone saying oh man back in the day I thought about blowing your head off that one time times got rough, and then just laugh it off and change the subject. Like no wait. What? Rewind that back.
What a fuckin idiot. No wonder his most memorable contribution to WWE consisted of him drinking tobacco juice and eating hair off the floor of a barber shop.
This could be a part of an angle now that Heyman has a bigger role in WWE. One never can tell. Dreamer could be a loose cannon gimmick ala Brian Pillman, land a job with WWE and pull a gun.

I wouldn't put it past either of these two.
is this kayfabe or ?

I guess that's one way to go out with a bang, but he should take out Al Haymon too <45>
Holy shit why would you even admit that lol, he sounds like a terrorist or school shooter manifesto