Hec-ster Lomb-roidANYBODY shitting on Magny after that fight needs to have their head examined. Dude showed championship heart, and came back and smashed Lomroid.
Seriously that performance was awesome, I'm a fan. Guy is always threatening with strikes and submissions, reminds me of ConditANYBODY shitting on Magny after that fight needs to have their head examined. Dude showed championship heart, and came back and smashed Lomroid.
ANYBODY shitting on Magny after that fight needs to have their head examined. Dude showed championship heart, and came back and smashed Lomroid.
Nah, I'm actually a pretty big dude myself. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate seeing a questionably 'enhanced' mo-fo get lit up by a mere mortal.That comes off a little Beta there bud...
So you like Magny because he's the good guy who showed "heart"(Not a lack in skill level in constantly getting dropped like a sack of potatoes in all his fights) and hate big bad Hector because of Muscle envy lol?
Sherbros gonna Sherbro...
Nah, I'm actually a pretty big dude myself. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate seeing a questionably 'enhanced' mo-fo get lit up by a mere mortal.![]()
To be fair fight could've been stopped in the first just as it should have in the second. Any other ref in MMA probably would have.
Though I'm against PEDs, ive always laughed at Sherbros on here getting so caught up in the "steroid" scandals taking it to the heart lol... IMO if you're not a competitor actually fighting someone on the stuff then just sit back and enjoy fights without getting caught up in the TMZesque headlines... I.e. Most on here so adamantly against it probably need PEDs
This is MMA not the Oxygen Network![]()
He got dropped in his fights all by monster punchers. How can you watch a guy gut it out like that and not respect it?That comes off a little Beta there bud...
So you like Magny because he's the good guy who showed "heart"(Not a lack in skill level in constantly getting dropped like a sack of potatoes in all his fights) and hate big bad Hector because of Muscle envy lol?
Sherbros gonna Sherbro...
Idk man, Magny never went limp or turtled, he was moving a lot and blocking for pretty much the entire time. There are probably some refs that would have stopped it but not "Any other ref".
He got dropped in his fights all by monster punchers. How can you watch a guy gut it out like that and not respect it?
how are gastelum and hector on a bad downward spiral and overrated, hector was actually top 5 after he beat shieldsIt's true the Mangy hate is legit
Kelvin, Eric Silva and Hector 3 guys who like to gas and who are all on a bad downward spiral in thier careers and all 3 who were overrated
That's not the point. Nobody's saying because he beat Lombard he's gonna win the title. We're just giving him credit for a great performance against his actual opponent, not speculating about how he's gonna match up against higher ranked guys.It's true the Mangy hate is legit
His last 3 wins are against Kelvin, Eric Silva and Hector 3 guys who like to gas and who are all on a bad downward spiral in thier careers and all 3 who were overrated
Mangy just exposes guys that would have been exposed anyway so yeh he is no big deal
When he went up against a legit top fighter he was the one that got exposed
Let's be honest Mangy would lose the entire top 5 without any chance whatsoever
Guy is lucky because he is just in the right place at the right time
Watch it again brah, Magny:
- Hits the deck face first twice in the first round
- Crawls into the Fetal position
- Gets hit for like a minute straight until Hector looked up at the ref perplexed.
Imo most refs would've stopped it from the scary knockdowns alone lol. Then again if two Mortal Kombar fatalities in the first and a 100 piece combo from the back mount in the second didn't get the job done with that ref did... I don't know what would've lol.
No doubt Magny has heart, matter of fact I think his work ethic and heart have allowed him to be somewhat of an overchaeiver considering the limited natural talent Magny has.
However the way he wins fights doesn't sit too well with me. It's like the guy is constantly on the end of good calls, questionable or grinding decisions, or letting opponents punch themselves out on his chin... Also the fact that he only fights and struggles against guys outside of the Top 10 is a major detractor.