To anyone who has followed my training tips:


Doctor of Doom
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Feb 22, 2005
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I'm curious, have any of you actually used them in sparring or in an actual fight? It's been a long time since I've regularly either taught or gave tips in any way so I'm just inquisitive as to how the application of techniques or gained skills has gone. Some people find it very difficult to translate training to an actual fight and I try to keep that in-mind when sharing information. So far as far as I know with my heavybag routine only two people have made it to the 5th round or beyond and both of them are over 30 if I'm not mistaken, which should say a lot to you young bucks who think you're hot shit because you do tabata drills and HIIT cardio and whatnot. And both of them to my knowledge were just looking to get healthier not necessarily compete. So if anyone is applying this shit let us know how it's going.
your heavybag routine is great, man. i'll admit at first i didn't get to the 5th round but after a couple of weeks (i'm a smoker, sue me lol) i finally got there. your advice on clinching also got me good results in sparring. the guys at the gym ask me where i learned it. told em about you and sherdog so i guess we'll be expecting new members anytime soon.
lol So you actually roughed a couple of mufuckas up with the clinch info?
I'm more of a grappler than striker, but I love your heavybag workout. I use it whenevr I work the bag.

We have been working the Thai clinch in my BJJ class & your tips on that were also very good. I actually use more of what you taught than what the class covers. I'm sure both methods are effective, but your style of leaning into the opponent seems to work better for me.
King Kabuki said:
lol So you actually roughed a couple of mufuckas up with the clinch info?

yeah, man. they never knew what hit them. plus, i gained some points with the laydees. they were all like, "teach me how to do that" and shit like that. keep the advice coming, dude. :)
yeah, man. they never knew what hit them. plus, i gained some points with the laydees. they were all like, "teach me how to do that" and shit like that. keep the advice coming, dude.

That's good shit. I'm all for applied knowledge. Reading an article is one thing but taking something into use against a live opponent who isn't going to cooperate is another thing altogether. I'm going to do another piece soon on closing the gap and footwork.
I use the heavy bag routine all the time now. I can get into the 5th round, but I have been training for a while. Good stuff.
King Kabuki said:
I'm curious, have any of you actually used them in sparring or in an actual fight? It's been a long time since I've regularly either taught or gave tips in any way so I'm just inquisitive as to how the application of techniques or gained skills has gone. Some people find it very difficult to translate training to an actual fight and I try to keep that in-mind when sharing information. So far as far as I know with my heavybag routine only two people have made it to the 5th round or beyond and both of them are over 30 if I'm not mistaken, which should say a lot to you young bucks who think you're hot shit because you do tabata drills and HIIT cardio and whatnot. And both of them to my knowledge were just looking to get healthier not necessarily compete. So if anyone is applying this shit let us know how it's going.

The heavybag routine? The punching one? I usually do it every saturday during open gym. I always finish it too :redface:
I'm mostly a grappler so I'm just beginning to work on striking. Your heavy bag workout seems really awesome, I haven't been able to do it more then a few times but I like it. Unfortunately I don't have an official place to train striking, and all the guys I spar with don't like clinching, but the advice seemed really awesome. I can't wait to read your piece on closing the distance and footwork, I'm having a problem with that against a taller dude i spar with.
Please keep posting Kabuki, i really enjoy your training advice.
your advice on my clinch was right on man my clinch is alot more deadly. Not many ppl got out of it yesterday. So yes i have roughed up some motherfuckers with the clinch info. the punching bag routine i haven't tried on the bag yet im sorta doing my own thing trying to get my accuracy and power into the hit. Your posts are right on man its just i got shit to do lol and don't have much time to post that it works lol. Here if i dont post about it sucking than im doing it :p
I still do your heavybag routine. usually about 2-3 times a week. i made a thread thanking you, i think you might remember it.

BTW, im always finishing the routine now :)
Awesome bro. How's that sixth round treating you? It's still a bit of a pain in the ass for me but that's only because I have 4 rounds of slip-bag work right after.
KK, I cant do your heavybag routine yet - still working on the very basics. However, the routine gave me a great starting point to develop my own, simpler n00b routine focusing on the basics.

I started with this initially:
:icon_chee Judo guy working the bag - be gentle it's my 1st time </B>

Then progressed a little to this:
:icon_chee Judo guy working the bag - still lame but better thanks to you guys

... thanks to the advice here and to the ideas gathered from your routine.
hey i saw ur video and i just had to throw in that you should cock ur leg back more and throw ur hips into it then snap it will be like a single move once u get it down. I dunno i am still a noob so if im wrong well then don't listen to my stupid ass :p. But ur doing good otherwise
King Kabuki said:
Awesome bro. How's that sixth round treating you? It's still a bit of a pain in the ass for me but that's only because I have 4 rounds of slip-bag work right after.

its treating me pretty good. :)

i got my buddy doing the routine as well
Awesome, those of you who can get to the 5th round or 6th of that routine probably have crazy endurance as well compared to training partners that don't work that hard I'd imagine. If so that's a really good feeling when a guy starts to bend over and huff and you're like "come on man let's keep going"...and he looks at you as if you said something in some language he's never heard. lol
I do agree when training is hard to transfer into fighting. I had done your routine for awhile then was running out of time so i just went back to hitting the bags. But keep it up, you the advice man...