TJ Dillashaw: "If healthy would mop the floor with Sean O'Malley"

If healthy and juiced and 10 years ago, for sure a possibility.

By “healthy” I’m assuming he means the first pic where he looks like bionic commando and not the second one where he looks like an in shape jr high volleyball player
He left out being juiced up. TJ is a flagrant cheater who’s bitter that his career is over due to injuries. It’s karma though because he deserves those injuries because he fought opponents while knowingly cheating.

took Barao's soul, guy was never the same afterwards
Here we go again with the Nostalgia picks lol. Prime TJ would have had a chance if he wrestled a lot but on the feet he gets KO'd, Dillashaw was chinny.

O'malley better striker, better power. Right now?? LOL he gets killed obviously
At least omeally is natty. Let's see omeally on roids, hg, and epo vs natty snake.
And if not healthy he would do all that paralympic bullshit he did against whateverthefuck for paycheck.
It's hard to say what he could do if he came in clean. I'm not sure anyone knows that including him.
Juiced or not(clearly juiced), no one can say prime TJ wasnt a monster at 135. Overall Id favor him to win over O'Malley but Seans a sniper who could catch him with a shot.