Tito continues to make strides as a public servant in Huntington Beach

lol ok then. I guess the CDC and pretty much every other medical professional in the world is wrong and your "bro science" is totally right.

Nothing is 100% effective but the masks at least decrease transmission.

I assume you are American?


I am a paranoid, schizo who does nothing but go on reddit to listen about conspiracy theories and even I'm wearing a mask in public.

Doesn't matter what I believe. Not trying to be responsible for those I love or anybody else getting sick.

It doesn't seem like a bid deal until it is and hits someone you love.
Why is NY cases through the roof more then in spring then? Are people not wearing masks?

pretty sure air you exhale travels further without a mask. bc obviously the mask will catch some of the shit you exhale. why else would your mask get wet with moisture from your breath. in other words. masks work, they're catching shit.
Why is NY cases through the roof more then in spring then? Are people not wearing masks?

You have to be kidding me.

The question is not whether cases are high or not in a given area, but whether the numbers are lower than they would otherwise be as a result of mask prevention. And the academic, scientific literature confirms that.

No one is saying that wearing masks will nullify contagion rates, they are saying that it would be far worse if not. NY cases are high despite mask use, and would be significantly worse otherwise. The article I linked to, and the extensive bibliography that follows and it cites confirm it.

If you disagee, show me a peer review article from a top university or laboratory that shows otherwise, or propose a model that shows why this information is wrong.

You can't, and all you have to offer in response to scientific research and consensus is stupidity.
He's losing me as well... And I always defended this guy..
I honestly can’t tell if that’s something Tito actually said or just a joke and that makes it even more funny

replace eating with training and he pretty much said this verbatim.
pretty sure air you exhale travels further without a mask. bc obviously the mask will catch some of the shit you exhale. why else would your mask get wet with moisture from your breath. in other words. masks work, they're catching shit.

If masks work, why are cases at an all time high in the big left leaning cities where everyone is wearing masks?
A lot of it is BS that makes no sense.

It is pretty stupid you have to wear a mask into a restaurant only for you to walk to your table 15 feet away and be able to take it off while you eat and drink. 202101091142-qv0HBl3Kk9.jpeg
I love that retards think they know better than doctors and scientists.
pretty sure air you exhale travels further without a mask. bc obviously the mask will catch some of the shit you exhale. why else would your mask get wet with moisture from your breath. in other words. masks work, they're catching shit.

Also you make a decent point too that I didn't give you credit for. I'm just against compelling people to wear masks or to do something "for everyone else's health". That's bullshit and people need to take care of themselves. No one has a right to make everyone else do shit for them.
I love that retards think they know better than doctors and scientists.

Like when it comes to leftists talking about trannies? Or how George Floyd scientifically OD'd and wasn't asphyxiated? Or how contract trackers won't ask people if they went to a BLM rally? After all, it's science.
Like when it comes to leftists talking about trannies? Or how George Floyd scientifically OD'd and wasn't asphyxiated? Or how contract trackers won't ask people if they went to a BLM rally? After all, it's science.

I sent you a scientific article written by a dozen researchers from around the globe, encompassing a wide variety of studies, showing concrete formal models used on the basis of ample empirical evidence, and you try to justify your laziness by suggesting it's part of leftist ideology.

Show me concretely how the findings and models of that paper are part of an ideological distortion, or that the researchers are in fact leftist undercover ideologues, or that their methods and findings are wrong, and then you have warrant to dismiss their claims.

While it is true that most people base their judgments on ideological affinities or beliefs rather than science or neutral rational examination, you are doing the same. You would rather disagree with the science if those you have political animosity toward happen to agree with the science. Because for you it is not really about what is true or false, or the science, but a contest or sport between political teams or bands, where 'the left' is the enemy and must be opposed, regardless of what they say or their reasons for it.

That's how remarkably stupid, and immature, you are.
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How does the mask thing work in murica in restaurants? You have to wear one when entering but then when you sit down to eat you obviously take it off? Is it really that important? Or are restaurants take away only ?
Where I am at restaurants are supposed to be open only for takeout. At this point some restaurants that are on the brink of extinction are defying orders and you have to wear a mask until seated.
I sent you a scientific article written by a dozen researchers from around the globe, encompassing a wide variety of studies, showing concrete formal models used on the basis of ample empirical evidence, and you try to justify your laziness by suggesting it's part of leftist ideology.

Show me concretely how the findings and models of that paper are part of an ideological distortion, or that the researchers are in fact leftist undercover ideologues, or that their methods and findings are wrong, and then you have warrant to dismiss their claims.

While it is true that most people base their judgments on ideological affinities or beliefs rather than science or neutral rational examination, you are doing the same. You would rather disagree with the science if those you have political aversion to agree with the science. Because for you it is not really about what is true or false, but a contest or sport, where 'the left' is the enemy and must be opposed, regardless of what they say or their reasons for it.

That's how remarkably stupid, and immature, you are.
Fuck you. Your whole article and that "science" lacks a control. You don't have a clone USA that is maskless to compare it to.

I don't care to argue whether or not masks work I've actually worn them in a professional environment. I just think you dingleberries wearing a 3 day old cumrag on your face while using no other aseptic technique is hilarious.

As to "concrete evidence", well the doctors and scientists say that they lied to us in April when they said masks don't work, but now we should trust them when they say that masks do work. So you're fine with just listening to that? Just like climate scientists, they have a fuckin agenda.

I wasn't even talking to you with the post you responded too.
Fuck you. Your whole article and that "science" lacks a control. You don't have a clone USA that is maskless to compare it to.

I don't care to argue whether or not masks work I've actually worn them in a professional environment. I just think you dingleberries wearing a 3 day old cumrag on your face while using no other aseptic technique is hilarious.

As to "concrete evidence", well the doctors and scientists say that they lied to us in April when they said masks don't work, but now we should trust them when they say that masks do work. So you're fine with just listening to that? Just like climate scientists, they have a fuckin agenda.

I wasn't even talking to you with the post you responded too.

We have, on the one hand, over a dozen PhDs and professional scientists from around the globe providing empirical models, factoring data, and addressing points of contention in a plethora of peer-reviewed articles coming from all corners of the earth, accounting for a variety of risk factors and variables from a variety of contexts.

And on the other hand you have "Quacky Chan", who has "worn masks in a professional environment" and waxes lyrical about the 'leftist agenda' that underlies scientific research, merrily relying on anecdotal evidence and conspiratorial lunacy.

You're stupid, ignorant, and take pride in your stupidity and ignorance.
Fuck you. Your whole article and that "science" lacks a control. You don't have a clone USA that is maskless to compare it to.

I don't care to argue whether or not masks work I've actually worn them in a professional environment. I just think you dingleberries wearing a 3 day old cumrag on your face while using no other aseptic technique is hilarious.

As to "concrete evidence", well the doctors and scientists say that they lied to us in April when they said masks don't work, but now we should trust them when they say that masks do work. So you're fine with just listening to that? Just like climate scientists, they have a fuckin agenda.

I wasn't even talking to you with the post you responded too.

I have no dog in this fight, but it's clear you're an idiot.

Also, for people who claim to hate transgenders, ya'll types love to bring them up.