Titan 39 - JZ vs Healy

Sad way to end, thought Ribeiro was doing a great job and had a good shot at winning.
i was like why the fuck are they asking for a doctor like its an eye poke
Brazilians with that calcium deficiency...

Drink yo milk, son!
Holy shit. Damn nearly got Silva'd.
Shit thought it was an eye poke or something. Get better dude. Unlucky.
The second time Ribeiro tried to put weight on that leg his shin nearly folded in half. Gory. I thought he was winning that fight too until that happened.
Man with the way USADA is going through everyone, only the Diaz bros will be left in the UFC in 2 years.
The second time Ribeiro tried to put weight on that leg his shin nearly folded in half. Gory. I thought he was winning that fight too until that happened.
Yeah, I thought Ribeiro was winning as well.

Harrison only used his wrestling one time, and it was when Ribeiro flagged down the referee to point out a low blow, then Harrison rushed in for a take down when Ribeiro wasn't fully paying attention.

Harrison didn't have much for Ribeiro on the feet in the first 2.5 rounds.
i had i 2-0 harrison..he was landing the way harder shots
Healy says he doesn't want to fight safe and will try to finish guys again in the video package just now. Added:

Pat Healy wins inside distance (+275) $40.00 for $110.00
Really want to cheer for JZ, should have bet him for that reason. Good memories of the super old days when he was thought of as one of the best 155ers in the world when UFC did away with that division
Not even mad at that loss. Healy throwing punches like Frankenstein out there. Happy to see JZ win.

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