Tired, enough calories?


White Belt
Jun 10, 2008
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I am female 5"7.5 and weigh about 156lbs. I started kickboxing about three months ago. I have lost about 3 lbs and gained a good deal of muscle.Before that I was fairly inactive and maybe made it to the gym once a week. I have been staying pretty tired and not recovering very quickly. I have been eating about 1200-1500 calories a day. At 7am I drink 1-2 scoops/servings of myoplex protein for breakfast. I eat a south beach diet meal (about 300cal and 30g protein) at 10,1, and 3:30. I try to eat a serving of whole wheat pasta when I get home usually around 9 at night. My husband takes muscle milk before bed. Do you recommend I try this or too many calories? I try to fit fruits and veggies in when I can as snacks, but I am sure that I don't get enough. Exercise: M-three kickboxing classes, t- three kickboxing classes, w- day off, th- three kickboxing classes, f- one class, S-one class, Su-day off. I plan on adding weights, and maybe some jogging once I can up my energy. I take a multiviamin, fish oil, earth's land green superfood, ZMA, and purple wrath(beta alanine). I tried creatine, but it upset my stomach. I have read the faqs and am just looking for any additional advice. Thanks for your input. :icon_chee
Before you add a before bed meal, try fixing the missing meals during the day part. Honestly though thats way to much cardio if that is all the cals you are consuming.
If one class lasts for and hour then your getting 11 hours of kickboxin per week. At least on the days you have three classes dont worry about the carbs. You'll need them and by spreading them on breakfast, before and after training you dont really have to worry about them. Eat more, your calories look quite low for your activity level.

How about this: If you git nothing to loose, like a competition coming where you need to make weight, try something like this for a month, eat more.
Try to get 1g/lb of protein, 2g/lb of carbs 0.5g/lb of fat (evenly distributed among saturated, poly's, and mono's)
That will be for your bodyweight some 2500kcal. Consentrate to get alot of the carbs from fruits, berries and veggies.

See if your body weight goes up. I think it will go up for a few pounds, but that is acceptable. If the body weight stays with in the few pounds and you feel better, problem solved. If you gain a shitload of weight but feel better, reduce the carbs to 1,5g/lb. If your still tired, train less and ease the volume of your training back slowly during a course of a month or so.
I admit that I usually take a nap from 4-5, and I have trouble eating too soon before exercise. M,t,r I am kickboxing from 6-8:30 and get home at 9. I have been trying to make up for it on the weekends and packing in extra bad calories. For example I ate a whole small pizza this past weekend. I am trying to lose weight, and would like to get to around 140-145 but I understand there is a balance I need to find. Maybe I will try adding in a light snack around 5:00.
Thanks arctic. I will give that a shot. The classes are about an hour give or take. I would like to lose some weight eventually, but it is not urgent. It may even help to increase the calories so my body doesn't decide it is starving.
Thanks arctic. I will give that a shot. The classes are about an hour give or take. I would like to lose some weight eventually, but it is not urgent. It may even help to increase the calories so my body doesn't decide it is starving.

No sweat. You got it. It is a lot easier to start losing weight when there is enough calories to do so. I've tried cutting with too few calories while training like a mad man, my weight has never been so stable as during that time, and it never is. Every morning for a month the scale was reading 88kg. When I finally gave up and started eating more, after three days of eating more I was down to 86,5. It is silly to not eat and train alot, you'll get burnd out, injured or just plain sick of not going anywhere. You need energy to get better at kickboxing too.

I'd suggest getting a protein shake and fruits or something like that before the three sessions, and drink some diluted gatorade during the sessions. I usually have one serving of gatorade powder with 1,5 liters of water. After three hours of training you could really use a PWO shake, try something 1/2 ratio of protein and carbs (25g/50g).

Training with empty stomach is not a good idea, you dont get as much out of training as you would with some gas in the tank.

Eat regulary, and enough and you dont even want the pizza. Thou it does taste good when you eat it seldom enough.