Boxing or muay thai? Either one..the key to successful striking in the clinch relies on positional dominance, achieving it, jockeying of it, and once there taking immediate advantage of it by getting your short weapons in. It also means negating your opponent's attempts at gaining the same thing. On a more advanced level it means being able to anticipate your opponent's reactions based on feel and experience. There's no easy road to doing that other than putting in the work IN the clinch, in sparring, in drilling, with different guys.
Brief Duran breakdown on how he used head positioning to land hooks and uppercuts:
A simple concept of push and pull in the Thai clinch.. seems like a weird clip to reference but on the most basic fundamental level in muay thai most trips, throws, and off balance shit involves the interplay between one person pushing the other pulling. Either can be a position of dominance or a tactic to step the other opponent into. It's super basic but there's lessons there imo: