Times you've clapped in theater?

In the 70's when x-rated only theaters existed, people might have received clap in the theater.
went to the first transformers and an applause broke out at the end

i haven’t gone back since
At the end of Thor Ragnarok, it was that good.

And at the end of Logan. People did not cheer, but everyone gave a sigh of grief because Logan died.
Freddy vs Jason 2003, everybody was cheering for the fight scenes in that movie like we were watching a live wrestling match or something, bunch of hardcore fans in that theater that day and it was a great atmosphere, everybody cheered and clapped at the end like a rock concert. Good times.

My son was born almost 9 months to the day after we went to see that movie opening weekend. Freddy vs Jason baby.
Never clapped or cheered cos I'm not gay/murican. I have been known to laugh aloud on occasion... usually at the expense of gay muricans.
Like I said, buncha Vulcans in this thread who are confused about human emotions and need to have it explained to them

Let me fair here. If it's an emotional, spur of the moment clap, like "Yeah! Fuck yeah!!" *hard clap*, and it's kept to a two clap minimum, it's okay.

However, if you're clapping like it's an ovation for the cast and crew, it's fucking stupid, because you're applauding a screen, and nobody will ever feel your appreciation. The guy running the projector may as well take a bow.
I can only remember a few times, one of which was for Swimming Pool with Charlotte Rampling and that chick with the ridiculous tits.

But they were film festival or preview screening type things where the director or whoever was in attendance, so it was really only out of respect for them.

Ordinarily I wouldn't applaud a movie... who would I be applauding?
Clapped at the pencil scene in The Dark Knight

Clapped at "Take your stinking paws off me you damned dirty apes!"
Times Ive clapped or been in movies where the audience clapped there were a couple.

I remember Gladiator, the ending it was packed house and everyone clapped

The Matrix was another one nobody ever seen anything like it, everyone clapped at the end of it, it was before the internet was huge with spoilers it was the last time you could be surprised and enjoyed watching trailers, back in those days the only way you could find out about an upcoming movie was through trailers and they were awesome people would be blown away and couldn't wait.

There are a couple others but my memory sucks

I also enjoy watching movies with audiences into it, like when they have a good fight scene or some guy comes to the rescue the audience reacts

I cant stand dull audiences.
In the 70's when x-rated only theaters existed, people might have received clap in the theater.
There are absolutely still x-rated theaters where anything goes, got one place near me called the art cinema.. triple x !
At the end of Thor Ragnarok, it was that good.

And at the end of Logan. People did not cheer, but everyone gave a sigh of grief because Logan died.

People were crying when i saw Logan. Logan hit a lot of fans petty hard.

I occasionally clap at the end of movies or with most things if they were incredibly well done.
I clapped when our plane landed once.

Flying from Moscow to Belgrade and when we landed, everyone started clapping. Serbs are Diaz bros levels of hard so I immediately joined in.
Or laughed out loud.

The only time I recall clapping along with an audience watching a movie was when Darth Vader picks up and throws the Emperor into the pit. The whole theater stood and applauded wildly, because the drama was perfectly built up to that moment of decision.

I recall laughing many times throughout the only Ghostbusters.

"Everything would've been fine, if it hadn't been for dickless over here."

"Is this true?"

"Yes, Your Honor, it's true. This man has no dick."

Clapped - never
Laughed out loud - too many times to count