Thread troubles


Silver Belt
Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2005
Reaction score
Hi. I am having problems creating threads. I am trying to get the UFC 85 prediction totals out in the Platinum Forum and I am not able to.I have been having problems for a few months now. Usually, I just create a test thread and then go back and edit it and copy and paste the info into it.That has worked before, but I guess my luck has run out. Now, I cannot even access any of the thread options or go into advanced mode or switch thread editors.When I post the thread, all the information comes out garbled. I have tried copy and pasting and individually typing each score. The results come out the same, all jumbled up together and virtually unreadable.I have tried everything I can think of, but nothing works. I am going to wait until tomorrow and try to post the results again. If it is still not working, I will have to ask a MOD or someone else who is not having any problems to post the results.Thanks a lot for all your help and hopefully I can get these problems fixed.Sincerely, Sean
Have you tried just logging in and out?
Well, it looks like things are looking okay now.

I was able to post my threads and I should be posting the next event soon, in the Platinum Forum.

Thanks to everyone who helped fix the problem in such a quick manner!
I'm now having the same trouble 'ventrue' was in his first post. I can't post any threads in their of the main fight forums... I write out my post with a title, and when I click on 'Post' the screen turns white...

the other forums work just fine. I'm only having trouble in the main fight forums.
I'm now having the same trouble 'ventrue' was in his first post. I can't post any threads in their of the main fight forums... I write out my post with a title, and when I click on 'Post' the screen turns white...

the other forums work just fine. I'm only having trouble in the main fight forums.

Make your title 1-2 words, then edit after it successfully posts.