Thoughs on this Video, Bill Maher on #metoo

Social Distance Warrior

Apr 29, 2012
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I haven't seen this posted yet, but I thought it was a great video..
I am a supporter of the #metoo movement, but there definitely levels of insanity to it...

what are your thoughts?

all opinions welcome.
He's 100% right. Which means, he's probably getting ripped to shreds online right now.
He is right, and I don't think what he said should be remotely controversial. But our entire society seems obsessed with trends, and those trends tend to push everyone towards stupidity. If the trend is PC, people go too PC and start micro policing what people can say. If the trend is anti-PC, then you see people defending indefensibly stupid statements under the guise of "telling it like it is" or something similar. It's all very frustrating to watch.
Did he get hair plugs?
He's right. People need to get a grip on reality. It's insane that some cannot see a certain degree of separation between whipping your cock out and brutally raping some girl in an alleyway.
He's 100% right. Which means, he's probably getting ripped to shreds online right now.
He's used to it by now for his positions on religions, particularly Muslims. He's also against all the PC shit.

Bill is basically an old school liberal, which are the best.
This happens a lot. Obviously everyone knows that two different things aren’t always on the same level of bad, but when you bring that point up, the knee jerk reaction is that you are now defending the less bad thing. So the pc response is to ignore the fact one is worse or risk getting dragged over the coals.
He obviously makes a very legitimate point and that's really all there ought to be said about it. We have to be capable of utilizing our rationality at all times, including times when people get caught up on trends such as this.

Otherwise we are not much better than those dreaded lynch mobs of the past, now armed with social media rather than the pitch-forks.
134 iq but ok
Lol. Ok.

The mental midget wisecrack was uncalled for.

But dammit kid, half your posts are insubstantial rubbish. Why even bother participating if you're going to (less than) half ass it and decline to explain your opinions?
Anyone who has ever said anything along the lines of "you shouldn't say that, that's not PC" should simply drink a gallon of bleach. The world would improve instantaneously.
He's right here overall. Pretty good stuff.

That smug look on his face when he says only the Democrats have to answer for sex crimes. lol. What a douche.
Isn't that the new way of things in the war room?
New or not, snide remarks without attempts to explain where they're coming from is just shit posting. Look at the Peterson interview thread.

"Peterson sucks!
Because he sucks!
Any examples?
He sucks cause I said so!"

Yeah, irrefutable evidence.