This was the same JDS that fought Mir,not the hungry one coming for the belt!!


Brown Belt
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
Am i the only one that thought JDS looked sloppy as hell against Mir too??
When you look at his previous fights before becoming the champ you can see a big difference in his attitude.He looked determined and very sharp in his stand up.

He came in against Mir the same way as yesterday,sloppy,but it was Mir...

When Cain came out pressuring him in the first seconds,it seemed like JDS was surprised and after the first scramble you could tell his cardio was already done.It looked to me as if he was already in the 5th round and Cain was still fresh.

I don't know if he took him lightly,but i just can't understand how you can gas after 1 minute...
He had an attitude like:I'm only going to think about stuffing his takedowns and i will catch him sooner or later.

I'm really disappointed,but i'm pretty sure he'll take the rematch.He defended every attempt of Cain's td's in the first round very easily and would KO him again in the if he comes in prepared.
Am i the only one that thought JDS looked sloppy as hell against Mir too??
When you look at his previous fights before becoming the champ you can see a big difference in his attitude.He looked determined and very sharp in his stand up.

He came in against Mir the same way as yesterday,sloppy,but it was Mir...

When Cain came out pressuring him in the first seconds,it seemed like JDS was surprised and after the first scramble you could tell his cardio was already done.It looked to me as if he was already in the 5th round and Cain was still fresh.

I don't know if he took him lightly,but i just can't understand how you can gas after 1 minute...
He had an attitude like:I'm only going to think about stuffing his takedowns and i will catch him sooner or later.

I'm really disappointed,but i'm pretty sure he'll take the rematch.He defended every attempt of Cain's td's in the first round very easily and would KO him again in the if he comes in prepared.

Gassed????!!!! he wasnt ""gassed"" man!! he was zombified by Cain's bomb!! jesus! for how long you people have been watching fighters fight?? you get rocked by a 240 pound guy name Cain Velasquez you are fucked and you gonna look like it. Stop the retardeness please.
So now we have "hungry" JDS? Cool. Can always use another excuse nickname in this sport.
What would be funny is if he trained his cardio for 1 minute, because that's how long he thought the fight was going to last based on the last one.
Motivated BJ Penn
Chuck with the look in his eyes
Healthy Shogun
Nog without staph
Prime or pride fedor
not 4-5 years injured rampage

Now what your trying to say is

Hungry JDS He's only the best when he's coming for the belt? He lost because he's comfortable JDS who has achieved his goals?

Come on mate enough of this bullshit, Cain pressured the fuck out of JDS! Junior has never had to deal with a pressure cardio machine who has crisp hands a good chin and is just as fast as him.
think its only you...JDS owned Mir rather easily...Mir posed no TD threat and had less then zero in the stand up...Cain came out aggressive and landed big shots early and JDS never recovered...Cain kept up a pretty relentless pace, especially for HWs that JDS couldnt to Juniors chin because i dont know any other HW that would eat that many shots and make it all 5 rounds...Cain was always a tough fight for JDS and every other HW for that matter...
Motivated BJ Penn
Chuck with the look in his eyes
Healthy Shogun
Nog without staph
Prime or pride fedor
not 4-5 years injured rampage

Now what your trying to say is

Hungry JDS He's only the best when he's coming for the belt? He lost because he's comfortable JDS who has achieved his goals?

Come on mate enough of this bullshit, Cain pressured the fuck out of JDS! Junior has never had to deal with a pressure cardio machine who has crisp hands a good chin and is just as fast as him.

He did have that look in his eye, well before Cain punched it closed...
I agree I had the same feeling watching him fight Mir.

I thought he was probably gonna get smashed if he fought that way against Cain..

But where I disagree is that despite being fast he has always been a striker that isn't very technical, especially in the defensive area..
And I don't think he takes a rematch his only chance is to land a big one but he is gonna get outcardioed again, he will just lose too much gas defending the TD attempts and in the clinch..

Cain also hit him a lot to the body with knees and punches especially in the 1st to speed up his gassing.
That is the blue print to beat him, once he start gassing his strikes are way slower and have way lesser power, and considering his offense is almost only punches, Cain won't have much to fear aside from the big righthand/uppercut
This was without a doubt THE best JDS that we've ever seen, he just ran into someone who was simply better and someone who outclassed him in every segment of MMA, it happens.
I think he is the same dude. He did what he usually does but cain didnt let him get off. He pressured him, hurt him and won the fight. I give no credence to anything that says otherwise. Same goes for the 1st fight.
JDS looked physically the best he has ever looked. unfortunately for him Cain Velasquez is a real life monster.
you're all gonna be talking shit but JDS looked sloppy and slow from the start. and he started gassing before he was hit with the real bombs.

cain beat his ass, but JDS looked like crap from the go.