This Olympic ceremony sux

Queen B

Feb 14, 2014
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Just do it the traditional way like we did in London.

All this weird jungle dance with fake afros nobody cares about.
Wait, is it winter in Brazil?
Excuses coming soon for the poor performance in the opening ceremony.
They should have hired left shark.
Heard it was 90% commercials

There were a few.

There was a few artists singing and a bunch of people dancing the entire time. They had indigenous ancestors dancing with string or something hung from the ceiling and there was a cg ptojection and stuff that showed the rise of brazil. Starting from indigenous, to immigration, rise of sao paulo, rio, Favelas, etc. There was a rich vs poor dance thing about conflicts of the country and after that everyone came together and danced. A lot of cgi projections and dancing. Then they spent a bunch of time showing Gisele Bundchen dancing while a giant chicken and hulk hand was raised or something. Idk you couldn't really understand what was happening because they just kept showing Gisele.

Then a global warming thing was shown for a couple minutes talking about rising temps, shrinking ice and rising tides. All Olympic atheletes are going to pick a Brazilian seed, put it in a little planter and they are going to plant the 11000 trees and call it the Olympic forest or something.
I watched about the first 30 minutes and I enjoyed it. I would have watched more but I went to a friend's birthday party. I watched less of the London one.
I hate these opening ceromonies, too much pomp. I went full king Robert and shouted at the TV " I've been sitting here for days. Start the damn games before I piss meself!"
it was silly like a poormans cirque du solei.
The Olympics just plain suck in general.

All these nobody countries showing up as if they actually stand a chance of medalling when we all know the lion's share of the medals are going to the U.S., China, and a small handful of first-world European nations.

Non-stop Olympic-themed credit card commercials and advertising in general. Mankind patting itself on the back about how great we are as a race when we all know we're only holding the Olympics for the fucking money. It's not for love of the sport, or the thrill of competition or sportsmanship. It's for the MONEY.

Stupid bullshit sports like synchronized swimming, trampoline jumping, ping pong, badminton, and curling touted as Olympic level sports. What the hell happened to the old days when the Olympics were a celebration of what the human body was capable of? IMO the only sports in the Olympics should be sports that the ancient Greeks would have also participated in.
The Olympics just plain suck in general.

All these nobody countries showing up as if they actually stand a chance of medalling when we all know the lion's share of the medals are going to the U.S., China, and a small handful of first-world European nations.

Non-stop Olympic-themed credit card commercials and advertising in general. Mankind patting itself on the back about how great we are as a race when we all know we're only holding the Olympics for the fucking money. It's not for love of the sport, or the thrill of competition or sportsmanship. It's for the MONEY.

Stupid bullshit sports like synchronized swimming, trampoline jumping, ping pong, badminton, and curling touted as Olympic level sports. What the hell happened to the old days when the Olympics were a celebration of what the human body was capable of? IMO the only sports in the Olympics should be sports that the ancient Greeks would have also participated in.

Jesus, I can see the cynicism oozing out of the pixels over here!

Of course something as big as the Olympics will be used by advertisers. I don't fault them for that. The Olympics cost a shitload of money to stage anyway.

As for the sports, one of the things I actually like the most about the Olympics is the fact that it's NOT just your standard sports and they provide an outlet for a wide range of athletes and athletic competitions. I actually wish they would give the more exotic sports more screen time.