This is it! Kavanaugh is done. Massive credit card debt scandal

He'll be confirmed and far more qualified than anyone since Roberts. Truth is, after Kagan who never served on the bench and Sotomayor who described herself as an activist judge in public before being nominated and confirmed, it's outrageous that anyone not facing murder charges isn't confirmed.
My position?? There's not a single solitary shred of anything in this article. It's all supposition and bullshit in an attempt to try and make it sound like Trump paid him off or something. Tell me this...10 days ago would these people have given a single flying fuck about this guy and his baseball tickets? You know the answer so that means it's 100% a hit piece designed to paint Kavanaugh (sp?) in a negative manner simply and specifically because Trump picked him as his SCOTUS pick.
I disagree. It matters when you are being considered for such a powerful position. This would be reported on whatever party he was for. You admit you have no information on the specifics so how can you make a determination? If there's anything untoward they should discover it. If not then this will just blow on by. Let's wait and see how it turns out before jumping to conclusions.
Oh.... so you care about the national debt now do you Englishman?

Republicans pretend to care, yet every time they have the purse strings... they do the opposite. Cut taxes and increase spending and then try to blame the Democrats for it.
Republicans pretend to care, yet every time they have the purse strings... they do the opposite. Cut taxes and increase spending and then try to blame the Democrats for it.

We agree. Republicans are just democrats going the speed limit.
I don't know how big a deal this is but it is something that requires attention.

The vast majority of the debt was for National's tickets. And they weren't just for him. They were apparently for 3rd parties as well. And despite racking up and keeping said debt on the books for some time, he managed to suddenly pay it off at once (as opposed to paying it off every season).

People might say "He chose paid off his debt to help his nomination possibility" but his financial disclosures don't suggest that he has the discretionary capital just sitting around either. He listed $15k- $65k in assets and the debt was $60k-$200k. That's tricky math.

Maybe he tapped his retirement account and that's legit. Maybe he saved for the short term specifically to address this debt. But debt and financial management is one of the things that they look at when nominating judges. And if he racked up the debt buying season tickets for other people, why? It's the type of thing that we're supposed to kick the tires on before assigning someone to a job for life where he will be making decisions that could have significant financial impact on the people he engages.
But but but libtards... :(
We agree. Republicans are just democrats going the speed limit.

Obama cut the deficit nearly in half and Obamacare was deficit neutral.

He also veto'd budget proposals multiple times, which is incredibly rare for a President to do.

It's pretty straight forward. Cut the deficit and the debt takes care of itself. The last time we had a surplus it was under a Democrat.
Obama cut the deficit nearly in half and Obamacare was deficit neutral.

He also veto'd budget proposals multiple times, which is incredibly rare for a President to do.

It's pretty straight forward. Cut the deficit and the debt takes care of itself. The last time we had a surplus it was under a Democrat.

Great argument that there are lied, damn lies, and statistics (though you don't produce any statistics). He DOUBLED the debt over ALL THE PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS in US history guy. Don't be a disingenuous twat.
Great argument that there are lied, damn lies, and statistics (though you don't produce any statistics). He DOUBLED the debt over ALL THE PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS in US history guy. Don't be a disingenuous twat.

How is he supposed to cut the debt when he inherits a nearly 1T/yr deficit and Congress won't work with him?

The Republicans DONT CARE about the debt or the deficit. They obstructed any effort by Obama to do nearly anything just so the could hang THEIR debt around his neck.
By vetoing the bills that come across his desk???

He did. Multiple times.

And he cut the deficit in half. Show me a Republican that has tackled the deficit in our lifetime.

Obama inherited a $1.4T/yr deficit. He gave Trump a $660M/yr deficit.

Trump has raised it already to $833M/yr and it's projected to be nearly $1T again by the end of his first term.. and there is no crisis. No major new war. No spiraling economy. Just old fashioned conservative hypocrisy.
He did. Multiple times.

And he cut the deficit in half. Show me a Republican that has tackled the deficit in our lifetime.

Obama inherited a $1.4T/yr deficit. He gave Trump a $660M/yr deficit.

Trump has raised it already to $833M/yr and it's projected to be nearly $1T again by the end of his first term.. and there is no crisis. No major new war. No spiraling economy. Just old fashioned conservative hypocrisy.

If I'm to get this straight. Obama is responsible for slashing the deficit, but the representatives have sole custody for doubling the debt as compared to all of the administrations prior to them? Reads more like you just enjoying being a fucking hack job... with respect.
If I'm to get this straight. Obama is responsible for slashing the deficit, but the representatives have sole custody for doubling the debt as compared to all of the administrations prior to them? Reads more like you just enjoying being a fucking hack job... with respect.

Obama slashed the deficit. No Republican has attempted it in our lifetime.

Is that easier to understand?
Obama slashed the deficit. No Republican has attempted it in our lifetime.

Is that easier to understand?

So you also agree he doubled the debt more than all the previous administrations in the US's history? Slashing the deficit is just relative the previous year's deficit. He still increased the debt 100% in 8 years as compared to all other administration in 230 years.

How else would you like to be a troll and a disingenuous piece of shit?
So you also agree he doubled the debt more than all the previous administrations in the US's history? Slashing the deficit is just relative the previous year's deficit. He still increased the debt 100% in 8 years as compared to all other administration in 230 years.

How else would you like to be a troll and a disingenuous piece of shit?

Yeah and if Obama left spending at the rate he inherited from Bush.. the debt would have nearly trippled.

What's your point?

Do you not understand how lowering the rate of increase is more beneficial to tackling the national debt than increasing spending and cutting taxes?