I don't know how big a deal this is but it is something that requires attention.
The vast majority of the debt was for National's tickets. And they weren't just for him. They were apparently for 3rd parties as well. And despite racking up and keeping said debt on the books for some time, he managed to suddenly pay it off at once (as opposed to paying it off every season).
People might say "He chose paid off his debt to help his nomination possibility" but his financial disclosures don't suggest that he has the discretionary capital just sitting around either. He listed $15k- $65k in assets and the debt was $60k-$200k. That's tricky math.
Maybe he tapped his retirement account and that's legit. Maybe he saved for the short term specifically to address this debt. But debt and financial management is one of the things that they look at when nominating judges. And if he racked up the debt buying season tickets for other people, why? It's the type of thing that we're supposed to kick the tires on before assigning someone to a job for life where he will be making decisions that could have significant financial impact on the people he engages.