It depends on what you expect of them. The ones that mix things like caffeine, octopamine, and yohimbine will give you nice energy, will they burn any fat? No. But could they facilitate a more intense workout for a longer period of time? Sure.
It depends on what you expect of them. The ones that mix things like caffeine, octopamine, and yohimbine will give you nice energy, will they burn any fat? No. But could they facilitate a more intense workout for a longer period of time? Sure.
That's what I figured...
*goes back to lean turkey and LSD runs*
LSD is not a must IMO
Ephedrine and the like only increase energy expediture by something like 2-3%, but they do make you focus and train harder IMO. They also kill appitite.
My personal view on such stims is complicated. They help increase energy expediture, leave you feeling fucked the next day but also kill your desire to want to eat food and hence recovery.
Its a odd thing that can lead to overtraining/over reaching IMO if not controlled.
I'm going to say clen now, but I don't have any experience with it (and to be honest i don't know what grouping of drugs it falls into it).
I have read without proper guidance/a good head on your shoulders, it can be some bad stuff
My liver is fucked up enough...
We sell this product "Drenbuetral" at the Vit Shoppe. I guess molecularly simliar to Clenbuetral...just not. Lmao some guy came in the other day and was like "Uh...well I remember I use to be on Clenbuetral so I'm gonna try this dren stuff out..." lol what a dope.
You'd be astonished how many guys come in and ask me where the HGH is at.