The warrior diet

No but it is a fringe diet, beyond the fringes of the atkins diet:

Warrior Diet Principles
1. Eat One Main Meal at Night

3. Exercise While Undereating

That is pretty much backwards of what normal fitness says, sooooooooo..... :)
"Eat your breakfast at night rather than in the morning and you may notice how surprisingly your body gets leaner rather than fatter. As a species we are nocturnal eaters, inherently programmed for night eating"

Arrest me if Im wrong, but to me this makes no sense at all.
Never heard of it before, and Im NOT going to try it.
Iv heard this diet is big among some of the Russian fighters (fedor anyone?) My trainer tried it, he liked it but said it got to be a hassle.
Iv heard this diet is big among some of the Russian fighters (fedor anyone?) My trainer tried it, he liked it but said it got to be a hassle.

A hassle? I don't know about that man, it seems pretty simple to me if it's just one big massive meal at night. It certainly seems easier than packing 6 small meals throughout the day and having to remind yourself to eat every 2-3 hours.

I've decided to give this a go tonight and see how it pans out tommorrow. I'm sure it'll take a week or so of getting used to.
Try it if you're curious. If you don't like it, then stop doing it.
UFC Vet Charles McCarthy did this diet,IIRC. He used to be really big,like 300 lbs. big and I guess he did this. I remember back when I used to post at the world's shittiest board,the UG,that he made a thread about it.I'm not advocating this or anything,just saying he used it.
I'm going to give it a try. I remember years ago while I was at work during the day I never even had the urge to eat until I got home. I was the leanest I ever had been. Now I am into the whole "grazing"thing. Eating 6x aday and I am the fatest I ever been and I bust my ass off in the gym. Going to try in for 30 days and get back everyone I amy do the picture thing before and after
it doesnt hirt to try. every1 is different and their bodys are different, and to find the right diet for you, youll have to experiment. if you ask me there is no right diet. a healthy one is the best but youll have to adjust things in the diet to suit your goals and needs.

but about the warrior diet i know of alot of kettlebell guys who are on the warrior diet. and there all monsters.
a few years ago i did it for about 5 weeks in the summer. the first week was rough and i had to snack very lightly through the day or else i'd get really dizzy and feel shitty until i ate my meal at night.

i adjusted and in the first 3 weeks i lost 20 lbs. after that i plateaued and said fuck it. it was alright, but i feel like you're better off eating more throughout the day instead the feast right before you sleep.