The Ultimate 80's memories thread...

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under appreciated 80's flick...

...and best domination of a game show ever when the one guy figured out the algorithm for the way the screen selection blinked around and won many times the usual prize money.

What's the story behind that exactly?

If you grew up in the 80's... you should remember this chick.

Oh my word! Who is that BABE!?

Remember waterguns that looked like friggin Machine guns? Mac 10s, Uzis, Glocks
Imagine if they tried to sell these to kids today:




Kids today are pussies

Yeah, all the dumb fuck liberals would throw a fit and rage about how immoral it is. Fuck those idiot bastards.

LOL... yes... the half football shirts is some early 80's shit.

It's funny because if you wore that today you would get called gay as soon as you stepped out of the house.

Yeah, because youth today is jaded and moronic. I miss the days when this type of dress was never associated with being queer.
Who remembers guys walking around in Karate shoe back in the early 80's... and no... these guys did not know Karate. LOL

If you grew up in the 80's you should know this chick and the movie she starred in...

If you grew up in the 80's you should remember when Carol anne said... "They're here".

Remember these intros?
These take me back big time, instant nostalgia seizure and chills.

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